
Подготовка к ЕГЭ - 2022: Задание 4 - развернутое высказывание


Шаблон для выполнения задания 4 устной части ЕГЭ - Фотографии для проекта:

1) Hi Yoda, how are you doing? I have sent you some photos for our project “NAME” and I’d like to say a few words about them.
2) Let me describe them to you. In the first picture one can see … . There is/are … in the second picture. I have chosen these pictures because they perfectly illustrate our project as they show …
3) Talking about the differences, the key difference is that in the 1st picture …, while in the 2nd picture …. So, this difference justifies the choice of the photos as it highlights the topic of our project.
4) I believe that … presented in the pictures have their advantages and disadvantages. As for the …. Talking about …
5) Personally, I … The main reason for this is the fact that …
6) That’s all from me now. Please, get in touch with me and tell me what you think about these photos.

See the sample talk on the photos for the project "Noble professions".

Task 4

give a brief description of the photos , justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;

mention the advantages and disadvantages (1–2) of the two types of professions;

explain how these photos illustrate the project “Noble professions”;

express your opinion on the subject of the project – whether you would like to choose one of these professions as your future career, why or why not.

Hello, Mary! I hope you received the photos I sent you. I'm sure they will illustrate perfectly the project we are working on - “Noble professions” - because in the first picture there is a young woman who is a teacher, while the second picture shows a woman who is a doctor, a pediatrician, to be exact.

The teacher is at the lesson. She is pointing to some lines in her pupil’s exercise-book. The doctor is in her room at a hospital examining a young patient’s lungs with a stethoscope. The professions of a teacher and that of a doctor are both noble. Though both jobs are aimed at helping people, there is an obvious difference between them. While the teacher develops her students’ minds and broadens their horizons, the doctor helps her patients to stay healthy and keep fit.

I’m sure one of the advantages of a teacher’s job is that it motivates a person to develop themselves as a personality. However, there is a disadvantage - the necessity to check a great number of students’ works – that is really time consuming and monotonous. The main attractive feature of a doctor’s job is that doctors deal with patients and when patients get over their illnesses, a doctor feels satisfaction. There is a disadvantage of making a mistake when making a diagnosis.

I believe, the photos I have found perfectly  illustrate the project as in both of them we see real professionals who are satisfied with their work.

In my case, I wouldn’t like to choose one of these professions as my future career as I am not cut out for the jobs. I don’t have enough patience to deal with children and sick people.

Call me back and tell if you find these photos suitable for our project.


 Образец формулировки задания 4 (в новом варианте)

give a brief description of the photos, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;
say in what way the pictures are different, justifying the choice of the photos for the project;  

mention the advantages and disadvantages (1-2) of the two types of books;

express your opinion on the subject of the project


 - проблема проекта должна прослеживаться на протяжении всего высказывания

 -  обращение и завершение  высказывания - максимально естественно 

- описание, конечно, может быть про место и действие, но нужно, чтобы оно было привязано к теме проекта

Образец высказывания по заданию "Способы совершения покупок"

Ways of Shopping

Hello, (name)  I hope you received the photos I sent you (Have you received the photos I sent you?) 

 I'm sure they will illustrate perfectly the project we are working on - different ways of shopping - because in the first picture there is a person who is doing shopping in a mall,while the second picture shows  a girl who is shopping online.

 In fact, these pictures are the evidence of the opposite trends we can observe nowadays - buying things on the Internet and going real-life shopping. 

Advantages and disadvantages (1-1, 1-1) - 

Эта часть высказывания должна быть наиболее объемной 

 Opinion (If you ask me, tell the truth, ...honestly, ...) Необходимо рассказать, какой вариант шопинга, чтения, ...) ты предпочитаешь, НЕ ИЛЛЮСТРАЦИИ!!! 

Завершение разговора - Call me back and tell if you find these photos suitable for our project.

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