Сообщение для учащихся 9-х классов:
Диалог о проблемах окружающей среды:
Диалог о проблемах экологии:
What ecological
problem do you consider the most serious one?
Acid rain - кислотный дождь;
Overfishing – чрезмерный рыбный промысел;
Urban sprawl – разрастание городов за счет сельской местности;
Deforestation – уничтожение лесов;
Water pollution – загрязнение водоемов;
Air pollution – загрязнение воздуха;
Soil pollution – загрязнение почвы;
Population growth – рост населения;
Waste production – производство отходов;
Genetic Modification of Crops – генетическая модификация
сельскохозяйственных культур;
Ответ: I consider, there are some of them. However,
the most dangerous is deforestation as it leads to climate change.
What is the main
source of pollution in your city?
The main sources of pollution
are traffic (25%); combustion (сжигание угля, дров, газа и т.п.); agriculture
(22%); domestic fuel burning (20%); natural dust and salt (18%); industrial
activities (15%); wastes.
Ответ: Personally I think,
the main source of pollution in my city is traffic. However, industrial
activities are also dangerous for people’s health.
What can young
people do to improve the environment in their city?
Eliminate (ликвидировать) the use of paper plates and plastic utensils (посуда);
Use a refillable water bottle and fill it with
tap water!
Choose reusable (многоразовые вещи) over (больше) disposable (одноразовые вещи).
Repair leaky
faucets (чинить текущие краны).
Сollect rainwater
for use in gardens.
Green up your lawn.
In my
opinion, young people can do a lot to improve the environment. For example, they could
use a refillable water bottle, choose reusable over disposable and green up
their lawns.
4. How often do you sort the waste (сортировать отходы)
before throwing it away?
Waste sorting is a simple
process that doesn’t require much time. You should separate from household
waste glass, plastic, paper and tin. For these types of waste can be recycled.
of waste (виды отходов):
waste, paper /card waste, tins and metals, ceramics and glass.
In general, my family cares
about nature. So, waste sorting is a common process for me. We usually separate
different types of waste.
5. What things can be made
from recycled materials? (Что можно
изготовить из вторсырья)?
-Picnic tables;
-Lawn furniture;
- Playground equipment;
- Clothes;
- Recycling bins;
- Sleeping bags;
- Backpacks;
- Storage containers;
- Shopping bags;
- Ropes;
- Building insulation (изоляция для зданий);
- Car batteries.
Now there are a lot of goods that are made from recycled materials.
Toilet paper, clothes, metal cans and even car batteries are on the list.
6. Do you approve (одобряешь) of total ban on using plastic bags? Why yes/why not?
Yes, I absolutely agree with it. Since (так как) plastic bags do not biodegrade (не разлагаются) they always exist
(существуют) in landfills and oceans. We
should decrease (уменьшить) the amount of
waste, reduce (сократить) land and water