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Сообщение от 9 января 2019 года:
Сценарий спектакля:
Love! Happiness! Beauty! There’re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
Учитель музыки
Праздник св. Валентина – это праздник всех влюбленных, праздник ожидания, праздник Подвига Любви – это международный день влюбленных и любящих.
Имя Валентина пришло в Россию из Древнего Рима, оно стало символом влюбленных. На уроках английского языка 14 февраля по европейским традициям и традиции США стали праздновать “Saint Valentine’s Day”, хотя этот волшебный праздник пришел к нам из Англии. В этот день любимую принято называть Валентиной, а любимого Валентином.
Love! Happiness! Beauty! There’re not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine’s Day!
Учитель музыки
Праздник св. Валентина – это праздник всех влюбленных, праздник ожидания, праздник Подвига Любви – это международный день влюбленных и любящих.
Имя Валентина пришло в Россию из Древнего Рима, оно стало символом влюбленных. На уроках английского языка 14 февраля по европейским традициям и традиции США стали праздновать “Saint Valentine’s Day”, хотя этот волшебный праздник пришел к нам из Англии. В этот день любимую принято называть Валентиной, а любимого Валентином.
К нам этот праздник постучался в двери школы в 80-е
А сколько же вообще святых Валентинов, умерших в Древнем Риме в 269 году и почитаемых в один и тот же день?
Один Валентин был почтенным пожилым человеком, епископом Тернийским. Жил в шестидесяти километрах от Рима, в провинции и погиб смертью мученика от рук язычников. Другой Валентин был молодым лекарем проповедником. Он бродил по Римским кварталам с нехитрыми медицинскими инструментами и не всем горожанам признавался, что на самом деле лечил молитвой. Кто же из них ближе и милее влюбленным всего мира: Валентин – епископ или Валентин – лекарь?
А сколько же вообще святых Валентинов, умерших в Древнем Риме в 269 году и почитаемых в один и тот же день?
Один Валентин был почтенным пожилым человеком, епископом Тернийским. Жил в шестидесяти километрах от Рима, в провинции и погиб смертью мученика от рук язычников. Другой Валентин был молодым лекарем проповедником. Он бродил по Римским кварталам с нехитрыми медицинскими инструментами и не всем горожанам признавался, что на самом деле лечил молитвой. Кто же из них ближе и милее влюбленным всего мира: Валентин – епископ или Валентин – лекарь?
По одной из легенд дети – поклонники молодого
врачевателя – бегали к окнам тюрьмы и бросали своему старшему другу, (который
их лечил, был всегда добр, учил жизни, играл с ними), записочки с
поздравлениями, признаниями в любви, приветами и пожеланиями. Дети стремились
поддержать и ободрить его. Тюремный надзиратель –ненавидевший христиан,
поклонник императора Клавдия – прогнал детей. Но когда он прочитал записки
детей (первые “валентинки”), то узнал о необычных лекарских способностях
И тут возникла вторая легенда. У надзирателя любимая дочь была слепой от рождения. Ей не суждено было найти себе любимого. И тогда, нарушив закон, надзиратель привел дочь к заключенному врачу, не ожидая, что одна трагедия смениться другой.
Считается, что святой Валентин – это епископ Тернийский. Он как священник венчал молодые пары вопреки приказам Клавдия второго, который в каждом одиноком неженатом мужчине видел только своего солдата. За это епископ и был сожжен на костре по одной версии 14 февраля270 г . в Риме, по другой – в 360 г . в Тернии.
И тут возникла вторая легенда. У надзирателя любимая дочь была слепой от рождения. Ей не суждено было найти себе любимого. И тогда, нарушив закон, надзиратель привел дочь к заключенному врачу, не ожидая, что одна трагедия смениться другой.
Считается, что святой Валентин – это епископ Тернийский. Он как священник венчал молодые пары вопреки приказам Клавдия второго, который в каждом одиноком неженатом мужчине видел только своего солдата. За это епископ и был сожжен на костре по одной версии 14 февраля
And now we shall show you a wonderful performance “Saint Valentine’s day” in which you will see both Valentine’s, patron of lovers and a young doctor, they lived in the III-d century.
And now we shall show you a wonderful performance “Saint Valentine’s day” in which you will see both Valentine’s, patron of lovers and a young doctor, they lived in the III-d century.
По сцене навстречу друг другу медленно
идут юноша и девушка (ведущие праздника). При этом юноша читает стихотворение и
дарит розу девушке.
Ведущий 2:
Ведущий 2:
Here’s special valentine
With lots of love for you
And since you’re very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
With lots of love for you
And since you’re very special
Here are hugs and kisses, too!
Затем ведущие поворачиваются к публике и здороваются с ней.
Ведущий – 1: Ladies and gentlemen!
Good evening!
Ведущий – 2: It’s lovely to meet you here, at Valentine’s party.
Ведущий – 2: It’s lovely to meet you here, at Valentine’s party.
Ведущий – 1:Love, love me do,
You know I love you,
I’ll always be true,
So please, love me do.
You know I love you,
I’ll always be true,
So please, love me do.
Ведущий – 2:Someone to love,
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you.
Somebody new
Someone to love
Someone like you.
Ведущий – 1:I hope that Valentine’s Day
Will bring you lots of fun!
Will bring you lots of fun!
Появляются два мальчика и две девочки, мальчики признаются
девочкам в любви
1.If you love me, love me true.
Send me a ribbon, and let it be blue.
If you hate me, let it be seen,
Send me a ribbon, a ribbon of green.
He gives the “valentine” to the girl and
she gives him the hand with a blue ribbon. On her other hand there is a green
ribbon. In her turn the girl recites the poem devoted to the boy.
2. February the 14th day
It’s Valentine, they say
I choose you from among the rest
The reason is I love you best!
The girl gives the “valentine” to the
Ведущий – 1:
February the 14th is St.
Valentine’s Day. There are many different stories about the origin of St.
Valentine’s Day. We know that Valentine was a priest in Rome a long time ago.
One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of love, who is
represented as a young boy with a bow and arrow (лук истрела).
Звучит музыка, появляется священник. Он идет медленно. В это время на сцену выходит ангелвлюбленных: «Valentine
was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after death of Jesus
Ведущий – 1: My sweetheart, look! I can’t believe it. Is it St. Valentine himself?
Ведущий – 2: You’re welcome, patron of lovers.
ангел влюбленных: «This is a legend of how St. Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting at wars. But at that time there was a kind priest, named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly».
Далее следует инсценировка легенды. Выходят юноша и девушка. Они падают на колени и жестами умоляют священника совершить обряд бракосочетания. Священник выполняет их просьбу.
Ведущий – 1: My sweetheart, look! I can’t believe it. Is it St. Valentine himself?
Ведущий – 2: You’re welcome, patron of lovers.
ангел влюбленных: «This is a legend of how St. Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting at wars. But at that time there was a kind priest, named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly».
Далее следует инсценировка легенды. Выходят юноша и девушка. Они падают на колени и жестами умоляют священника совершить обряд бракосочетания. Священник выполняет их просьбу.
Воин: Валентин, о твоей доброте ходят легенды. Помоги нам — а мы
отблагодарим тебя, чем сможем.
Невеста: Мои родители собираются отдать меня замуж за
Воин: Я солдат, служу Империи, но наш правитель запретил воинам
жениться. Мы уже были во множестве храмов, но везде отказались благословить наш
Невеста: Мы не можем жить друг без друга! Please, help us! Marry us, we love each other very
Священник: My children! I’ve come from the distant past to remind
you of kindness and love, friendship and patience in your wicked world. Я помогу вам — обвенчаю вас тайно, как венчал и других влюбленных. I see you love each other and may your dreams come
true! My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!
Звучит марш Мельденсона.
Врывается стража.
Стражник: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death! To prison! To the Tower
Звучит марш Мельденсона.
Врывается стража.
Стражник: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death! To prison! To the Tower
Стражники скрещивают оружие перед Валентином, имитируя
Священник сидит в глубоком подземелье. Играет музыка. На сцену
выходит дочь тюремщика с кувшином воды и хлебом. На глазах тёмная повязка
Дочь тюремщика: Here is bread and water for you, poor man.
Священник: Thank you, but
who are you?
Дочь тюремщика: I am a prisoner`s daughter.
Священник: What has
happened to you
Дочь тюремщика: I am blind! I never saw the light, trees! (Рыдает).
Священник: Poor you are. I’ll help her by working miracle. Come to me
Девочка слушается и подходит к Валентину. Он кладет руку ей на
глаза, поверх повязки.
Пусть эти глаза
Покинет тьма.
Смену ночи и дня
Узреет сама.
Пусть эти глаза
Покинет тьма.
Смену ночи и дня
Узреет сама.
Валентин убирает руку. Девочка несмело снимает повязку,
удивленно и радостно оглядывается вокруг и отбрасывает повязку в сторону.
Дочь тюремщика: I’m so
grateful to you. Even in prison you, Valentine, showed your love for everyone
and restored my sight!
Священник: Unfortunately, tomorrow on February 14 I will have to
die. But I’m not scared and I want to tell everybody on earth, “I love you. I’m
your Valentine”.
Ангел влюбленных: Just before his death, on February 14, he sent her a message signed “Be happy. Your Valentine”.
Ангел влюбленных: Just before his death, on February 14, he sent her a message signed “Be happy. Your Valentine”.
Дочь тюремщика Вот так погиб Валентин. Однако что
же он мне написал? (Читает
вслух) «Будь счастлива. Твой Валентин». (Прижимает
письмо к груди) Спасибо.
Дочь тюремщика: I can’t
believe my eyes. He died. But how shall I live without him? It’s impossible. I
must die with him.
Ведущий 1. Two hundred
years later, the church made February 14 a special day to remember Saint Valentine.
Valentine became the patron saint of lovers.
Ведущий 2. Most European countries and the USA
celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. They have special custom to observe on that
day. First of all, it is celebrated in families. This is the time to tell your
beloved ones how you love them.
1. Who said “Good night”
When I was a child? – My mother.
When I was a child? – My mother.
2. Who dressed my doll in clothes so
And showed me often how to play? – My mother.
And showed me often how to play? – My mother.
3. Who ran to help me when I fell
And who could funny stories tell? – My mother.
And who could funny stories tell? – My mother.
4. Who sits at my head
When I am in bed? – My mother.
When I am in bed? – My mother.
5. Who is so nice, who is so
Another so dear you’ll never find? – Our mothers.
Another so dear you’ll never find? – Our mothers.
Ведущий 2 Husbands and wives make little
presents to each other, they go out for dinner or have a celebration at
Ведущий – 1:
The heart is still a symbol of love, and
it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day.
Музыкальная пауза. Love Story
На сцене появляется маг
На сцене появляется маг
I am a fortune-teller. I can foretell your future. Put your hand into the
box, take any symbol you like and I'll tell you what it means.
LOVE KNOT – A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love. So you will open your heart to somebody you love
LOVE KNOT – A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love. So you will open your heart to somebody you love
A ribbon – Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons
to their favourite knights when they went to war. So you want to be
connected with somebody
A lace – Lace comes from a Latin word, it means “to catch”.
Lace was supposed to catch the heart of a loved one. So you want to catch
somebody`s heart
A glove Years ago, when a man proposed marriage to a woman, he
“asked for her hand”. The hand became a symbol of marriage and love. So
somebody will ask your hand soon.
A red rose. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. This
is why the red rose is a flower of love. So you are loved and will be loved
RINGS In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they get married. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for presenting a ring. A ring usually has a stone or a jewel set in it. A ring is a symbol of love.
RINGS In some countries, men and women exchange rings when they get married. Valentine’s Day is a popular day for presenting a ring. A ring usually has a stone or a jewel set in it. A ring is a symbol of love.
DOVES are also symbols of Valentine’s Day.
Ведущий. Now some short scenes to your attention
Инсценировка стихотворения: мальчик и девочка
“Where are you going, my pretty maid?”
“I’m going a-milking, sir,” she said.
“May I go with you, my pretty maid?”
“You’re kindly welcome, sir,” she said.
“What is your father, my pretty maid?”
“My father’s a farmer, sir,” she said.
“What is your fortune, my pretty maid?”
“My face is my fortune, sir,” she said.
“Then I can’t marry you, my pretty
“Nobody asked you, sir,” she said.
“Oh no, sweet maid, I cannot marry you,
For I have a wife of my own!”
And now you`ll see a
performance about twо sweethearts: Cinderella and her Prince.
Scene 1
Stepmother: There
will be a ball in the King’s palace. Let’s go to the ball.
Stepsisters: Great!
Stepsister: Cinderella, give me
my white dress!
Cinderella: Here
it is!
Stepsister: Cinderella!
Give me my hat and the mirror!
Cinderella: Here
they are!
Stepsister: Give me my
Cinderella: Here
it is!
Stepsister: Cinderella,
would you like to go to the ball?
Oh, don’t laugh at me. I have neither a beautiful dress nor glass shoes
Stepsister: Of course not.
You can’t go to the ball.
Stepsister: Yes, she is
too dirty to go there.
Well, my dear, let’s go to the ball!
Scene II
Why are you crying my dear child? Please, don’t
Cinderella: I
can’t go to the ball. I have neither beautiful dresses nor glass shoes.
Fairy: I’ll
help you and you will go to the ball. Here are glass shoes and a
white dress but remember. You must go home when the clock strikes 12.
Oh, thank you very much!
Scene II
(in the King’s palace)
King: Look
at that beautiful girl!
Prince: Oh,
how beautiful she is! May I dance with you?
Cinderella: With
Prince and Cinderella are dancing.
The clock strikes 12.
Oh. It’s 12 o’clock. I must go!
Cinderella is running away and losing
her shoe.
Scene IV
Cinderella: Did
you like the ball?
Stepsister: Yes,
very much, there was a beautiful girl at the ball.
Stepsister: She
ran away and lost her glass shoe.
Stepmother: Prince
wants to marry her!
(Prince and heralds are coming)
Please, try on this glass shoe!
Stepsister: Oh.
It’s too small for me!
Herald to
Will you try it on?
Oh, it’s our Cinderella
Cinderella: But
I want to try it on! (Cinderella
puts on the shoes)
Stepsisters Oh,
Cinderella, we beg your pardon.
Never mind. I pardon you.
I love you!
So, the prince has found his Cinderella.
As for our party, it goes on.
Ведущий 1 По традиции на
этом празднике выбираются «Валентин» и «Валентина». Эти имена получают те, кто
сумеет вытащить их из коробочек.
Первыми листочек достают мальчики, а затем – девочки. Все
приветствуют «Валентина» и «Валентину».
Valentine’s cards
Ведущий 2 St. Valentine’s Day has become
customary in Russia. Everybody looks forward to it with great anticipation. The
day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the
form of "valentines." Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped
outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. And now it`s high time to
present your Valentine`s cards to your friends
Ведущий 1 Let Me Call You Sweetheart
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper
That you love me too.
Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes so true.
Let me call you sweetheart,
I'm in love with you.
Let me hear you whisper
That you love me too.
Keep the love light glowing
In your eyes so true.
Let me call you sweetheart,
I'm in love with you.
Ведущий 2 Here’s a Valentine
And this is what it’s for
To say that every day
You are loved
More, more, more!
Ведущие дарят гостям шары с привязанными к ним пословицами
Ведущий 1 Dear friends! We present you with balloons and proverbs about love.
And this is what it’s for
To say that every day
You are loved
More, more, more!
Ведущие дарят гостям шары с привязанными к ним пословицами
Ведущий 1 Dear friends! We present you with balloons and proverbs about love.
Love as the devil loves holy water. ( Любить, как черт святую воду)
Love cannot be forced. (Насильно мил не будешь)
Love conquers everything. (Для любви нет преград)
Love in a cottage. (С милым рай в шалаше)
Love is blind. (Любовь слепа – полюбишь и козла)
Love is neither bought, nor sold. (Любовь не продается, не покупается)
Love makes the world go round. (Для любви нет преград)
Love should not be all on one side. (Любовь должна быть взаимной)
Love will find a way. (Любовь все побеждает)
Ведущий 2: Now we are going to make up a story to define love. What’s love? Can you define love?
LOVE IS… a tender of feeling,
LOVE IS… a way of being,
LOVE IS… just showing someone you care.
LOVE IS… helping with the dishes,
LOVE IS… feeding your pet fishes,
LOVE IS… just giving from your heart.
For you and me
Oh! LOVE is the greatest thing in the world.
Ведущий 1 Well, our party is coming to the end. We wish you the best of luck and love. Пусть в вашей жизни, тем более что она только-только начинается, будет как можно больше любви. Ведь любовь — это та сила, которая движет миром и человеком.
Thank you for your attention. We would like to finish with Shakespeare’s words:
Love cannot be forced. (Насильно мил не будешь)
Love conquers everything. (Для любви нет преград)
Love in a cottage. (С милым рай в шалаше)
Love is blind. (Любовь слепа – полюбишь и козла)
Love is neither bought, nor sold. (Любовь не продается, не покупается)
Love makes the world go round. (Для любви нет преград)
Love should not be all on one side. (Любовь должна быть взаимной)
Love will find a way. (Любовь все побеждает)
Ведущий 2: Now we are going to make up a story to define love. What’s love? Can you define love?
LOVE IS… a tender of feeling,
LOVE IS… a way of being,
LOVE IS… just showing someone you care.
LOVE IS… helping with the dishes,
LOVE IS… feeding your pet fishes,
LOVE IS… just giving from your heart.
For you and me
Oh! LOVE is the greatest thing in the world.
Ведущий 1 Well, our party is coming to the end. We wish you the best of luck and love. Пусть в вашей жизни, тем более что она только-только начинается, будет как можно больше любви. Ведь любовь — это та сила, которая движет миром и человеком.
Thank you for your attention. We would like to finish with Shakespeare’s words:
«And when love speaks, the voice of all
the gods makes heaven drowsy with the harmony» (Когда говорит любовь, голоса всех богов заставляют небеса задремать от ощущения гармонии)
Мы заканчиваем нашу композицию песней
My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea,
My Bonnie
lies over the ocean,
Oh bring
back my Bonnie to me.
Ведущий Good-bye,
dear friends! Thank you for your coming! We hope you enjoyed our party!
Звучит музыка.
Teacher: Dear friends, guests! Our performance is over. We hope all of you liked our party. And we’d like to thank all those who took part in it and our visitors at the same time for their patience, applauses and we wish you LOVE, HAPPINESS and BEAUTY! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Good-bye!
Звучит музыка.
Teacher: Dear friends, guests! Our performance is over. We hope all of you liked our party. And we’d like to thank all those who took part in it and our visitors at the same time for their patience, applauses and we wish you LOVE, HAPPINESS and BEAUTY! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Good-bye!
Сообщение от 11 ноября 2018 года:
Here is the full script of the play "Bonfire Night".
A Bonfire Night Play
King James, dressed in royal
clothes, talks to the audience from a wooden stage.
Remember, remember the fifth
of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why the
gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, guy, t’was his
To blow up king and
Three score barrels were laid
To prove old England ’s
By God’s mercy he was catch’d
With a darkened lantern and
burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys,
Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God
save the king.
And what shall we do with him?
Everyone: BURN HIM!
James: On this night, you will see what happened many years ago. WHO was the
bad man?
Guy Fawkes enters in a black
cloak and black hat. King James points at Guy Fawkes.
James: Guy Fawkes!
The Narrator stands off to the
side and speaks to the audience.
Narrator: In the year 1605,
there was a Catholic man who was very angry at King James. His name was Guy
Fawkes walks to the centre and looks at the audience.
Fawkes: I AM GUY FAWKES. I want to……………… KILL the king!
Guy Fawkes turns and looks at
Thomas Bates, Robert Keyes and Watson entering the stage.
Fawkes: FRIENDS! My close friends! Please! JOIN me and let’s kill the KING.
Bates: WHY do you want to kill the KING?
Keyes: Has he done something BAD?
Fawkes: King James isn’t nice to Catholics. He tells US what to BELIEVE.
Bates: That’s HORRIBLE!
Keyes: It is! We must DO something. WHAT are you planning?
Narrator: King James wanted
all Catholics in England
to become Protestant. As a result, Guy Fawkes wanted to kill King James and put
a Catholic king on the throne.
Fawkes: I will destroy the government building with a lot of bombs.
Thomas Bates runs off stage.
Keyes: What would you like US to do?
Narrator: Guy Fawkes told
his friends his plan. Robert and Thomas liked the plan but Watson didn’t.
Watson: Are you SURE this
is a good idea?
Fawkes: It is.
Watson: I don’t know.
Thomas Bates returns with a
wheelbarrow or cart.
Bates: HERE’S my wheelbarrow.
Fawkes: FANTASTIC! Come here and I will tell you what to do!
Thomas Bates and Robert Keyes
huddle with Guy Fawkes. Watson doesn’t join.
Fawkes: We need to put the gunpowder under Parliament.
Keyes: And when do we light the gunpowder?
Fawkes: When the King is in the building!
Bates: What an EVIL plan!
Guy Fawkes, Thomas Bates and
Robert Keyes put the gunpowder into the wheelbarrow. They take the wheelbarrow
off stage. Watson watches and leaves in the opposite direction.
Soldier 1 and Soldier 2 enter.
I wish it was the weekend. I’m very tired.
I have to work on Saturday AND Sunday. I don’t want to do this.
Soldier 1 pats Soldier 2 on
the back.
It’s okay. After work, you can visit my house for dinner.
Soldier 2 points at a shadowy
object that just entered. It is a person wrapped in a black cloak.
Soldier 1 squints.
Soldier 2 raises his sword.
STOP in the name of the KING!
Watson enters disguised in dark
clothing and walks to the soldiers and holds out a letter.
Watson: I have a special
message for the king. PLEASE take it to him.
WHY should I?
Watson: Because it is a
Are you SURE?
Watson: YES!
If you’re lying, we’ll FIND you and you’ll be punished.
Watson: I’m NOT lying!
Stranger leaves.
Narrator: The soldiers
didn’t know if the mysterious stranger was telling the truth. But they did take
the message to their Commander.
Commander enters.
The soldiers take the letter
to Commander who opens it, reads it and holds it above his head.
Commander: WHAT is THIS? WHO
wrote this letter?
It’s a PLAN to kill the king.
Commander: That CANNOT
happen. Look EVERYWHERE for these people! Tell me when you find them. They WILL
Soldiers: Yes, SIR!
The soldiers leave.
Guy Fawkes, Thomas Bates and
Robert Keyes enter pushing the wheelbarrow. They place the explosives under
King James’s table.
Fawkes: Now LEAVE while there’s TIME. I’ll light the bomb soon.
Bates: I wish Watson was here to see this historic moment.
Keyes: But he’s not. Good LUCK, Guy.
Robert Keyes and Thomas Bates
Guy Fawkes walks up and down
and looks at his watch. He picks up a torch and is about to light the gunpowder
when Soldier 1 and the commander enter. The commander holds his hand out.
Commander: STOP in the name
of the KING!
Soldier 1 takes away the torch
and puts it back.
Commander: You are UNDER
ARREST for TREASON. You and your friends will be punished.
Soldier 2 enters with Thomas
Bates and Robert Keyes both handcuffed. Watson also enters and is still
Fawkes: I don’t understand. HOW did you KNOW?
Watson removes his disguise.
Watson: It was ME! I told
Fawkes: But WHY, Watson? I trusted you.
Lights darken. Everyone exits.
Narrator: Guy Fawkes and his
friends were then punished for their crimes and sentenced to death.
Narrator exits. Lights go up.
King James remain sin the centre stage.
James: This was the story of Guy Fawkes. Every year, on the Fifth of
November, the people of England
celebrate and remember this occasion by burning pictures and dolls of Guy
Fawkes in bonfires, as well as set off fireworks and enjoy good food.
Hello, dear English Club members!
Please, recall some important facts about Christmas!

Оформление сцены:
Камин, сложенный из кирпичей
Действующие лица:
Мария — мать Иисуса
Иосиф — отец Иисуса
Небесный ангел
Хор английской песни
Привидение — эпизодическая роль.
назначенное время в зале гаснет свет. На
сцену выходит Санта-Клаус с зажженным бенгальским
огнем в руке. В полной темноте это выглядит очень эффектно. Санта зажигает
свечи на канделябре, подходит к елочке и делает характерный жест рукой, чтобы
вспыхнули огни. На елочке загораются фонарики. Это ваш помощник вовремя включил
лампочки на елке. Огонь в камине уже горит. Дело в том, что действие
бенгальского огня очень непродолжительно и надо успеть зажечь хотя бы свечи.
Затем можно включить передние рампы, освещающие сцену, чтобы персонажи не терялись
на сцене вследствие недостаточной освещенности. Санта-Клаус усаживается в кресло и начинает свой рассказ.
Well, the candles are lit, the
Christmas tree is glittering with lights, the fire in the fire-place is
burning. It's time to begin the festival. The festival of Christmas.
Everybody of you has his own mas,
his own birthday which is celebrated with a light pie and tasty lemonade. But
this occasion is something special; this is birthday of Jesus, our Savior. He
was born on the 25-th of December, nearly 2.000 years ago. Are you interested
how it happened? So listen.
Переводчик (от имени Санты).
Зажглись свечи, в камине мирно горит огонь, сверкает праздничными
огнями рождественское деревце, пора начинать праздник — праздник Рождества. У
каждого из вас свое рождество — свой день рождения, который вы отмечаете
свечами, тортом и вкусным лимонадом. Но этот праздник — особый! Это — день
рождения Иисуса, нашего Спасителя. Он родился почти две тысячи лет тому назад,
и именно двадцать пятого декабря христиане, живущие в Европе и Америке,
отмечают его рождение.
Вам, наверное, интересно, как это было? А было это так...
:Long, long ago in the town of Nazareth the carpenter
Joseph lived. Joseph had a wife, Maria. The god's angel once came to her and
said: «You will give birth to a son and give him the name of Jesus. He will be
great as the son of the God».
It happened so that Joseph and
Maria had to go to a Judah
town. While they were there time came for Maria to give birth for a child.
Давным-давно в городе Назарет, который
находился в земле галилейской, жил плотник по имени Иосиф. У Иосифа была жена
Мария, к которой незадолго до описываемых событий явился ангел Господень
Гавриил и сказал следующее: «Родишь ты сына и дашь ему имя Иисус. Он будет
велик и наречется сыном всевышнего, и царству его не будет конца».
Случилось так, что Иосифу с Марией пришлось отправиться в
иудейский город Вифлеем. Когда же они были там, наступило время Марии родить.
сцену выходят актеры, разыгрывающие сценку рождения Иисуса.
Мария (показывает Иосифу с пелену того младенца
— обыкновенную куклу, завернутую в пеленки).
Look, Joseph, this is our son!
So Maria gave birth to her first
son, swaddled him and put into the manger, because there was no room in the
И родила Мария сына своего, первенцами спеленала его и положила в
ясли для скота в хлеву, потому что не досталось им места в гостинице.
Мария укладывает куклу в ясельки; под которые можно приспособить
пустую продолговатую плетеную корзинку для цветов или изготовить специальные
ясли. Иосиф присаживается рядом,
и оба супруга с умилением смотрят на младенца.
In that country there were
shepherds in the fields. The God's angel appeared before them and said...
В той стране были на поле пастухи. ……………….
Вдруг предстал перед ними ангел Господень и сказал им:
Продолжение сценки. К пастухам, сидящим на другом краю
сцены, подходит ангел в белых одеждах.
Don't be afraid! I declare a great joy for you!
Today your Savior was born! Jesus Christ, the Lord! There's a sign for you! You'll find him in the manger!
«Не бойтесь, я возвещаю вам великую радость, ибо ныне родился ваш
Спаситель, который есть Христос Господь. И вот вам знак: вы найдете младенца в
пеленах, лежащих в яслях».
Пастух (своим товарищам:
Let's go and see what's happened.
Shepherds said to each other,
«Let's go to the town and see what happened».
They hurried and they saw Maria,
Joseph and baby in the manger.
Shepherds told the happy parents
everything that the angel had told them, and everybody wondered.
Пастухи сказали друг другу: «Пойдем в Вифлеем и посмотрим, что там
случилось, о чем возвестил ангел Господень». И, поспешивши, они нашли Марию,
Иосифа и младенца, лежавшего в яслях.
Продолжение сценки. Пастухи приближаются к Марии и Иосифу. Мария разворачивает
пеленки, и все смотрят на младенца.
The God's angel came to us and said
that Christ, the Savior was born. It is your son.
Shepherds told the happy parents
everything that the angel had told them, and everybody wondered.
Пастухи передали счастливым родителям все, о чем возвестил ангел,
и все слышавшие дивились тому, что рассказывали пастухи.
Завершение сценки. Актеры уходят со сцены. Мария ставит ясельки с
куклой под елочку.
So happened the birth of the great
Jesus, which is celebrated so many centuries as Christmas. Such scenes as you
have seen are played in American families on Christmas.
Вот так свершилось рождение сына Божия Иисуса, которое уже столько
веков отмечается как светлый праздник Рождества Христова. А такие сценки,
которую вы только что видели, разыгрываются на Рождество в американских семьях.
Давайте поблагодарим наших артистов.
Актеры выходят на поклон.
But the story about Jesus is not
When Jesus was 30 years old, he began his
service: he cured sick people, he raised them from dead, taught them love and
Simple people loved him for that,
but the high priests, elders and scribers did not like him.
So once, before the Easter they
decided to find the God's son and ruin him, but did not know where to look for
На этом история об Иисусе не заканчивается. (Демонстрируются слайды). Когда Иисусу исполнилось тридцать
лет, он начал свое служение Богу и людям: исцелял больных, воскрешал из мертвых
тех, кто был лишен жизни, не выполнив своего земного предназначения, своими
притчами учил людей добру и любви к ближнему. За это простой народ полюбил его,
и за это же невзлюбили Иисуса первосвященники, книжники и старейшины.
И вот однажды, перед праздником Пасхи, решили они найти сына Божия
и погубить, но не знали, где искать его.
So then, one of Jesus apostles,
Judas, suggested to betray his teacher, and was given 30 silver coins.
So in the evening, when Jesus and
the 12 apostles gathered for the secret (dinner, the god's son foretold that
one of twelve’s would betray him. And so happened.
After the dinner Jesus and men went
to the garden, Judas came near and kissed him. It was the sign to recognize Jesus among others.
И тогда один из учеников Иисуса, которого звали Иуда Искариот,
предал своего учителя. За это дали Иуде тридцать серебряных монет.
Вечером, когда Иисус и двенадцать апостолов, его учеников,
собрались на тайный ужин по случаю праздника Пасхи, сын Божий предсказал, что
один из двенадцати предаст его. Так и случилось. Когда после ужина Иисус с
учениками вышел в Гефсиманский сад, то Иуда подошел к Иисусу и поцеловал его.
Это был знак, чтобы распознать сына Божия среди других.
Jesus was seized. The people sword
him and beat him. Then they took him to Pilate, procurator, and began to blame
him for lewdness. Pilate and the king Nerod did not find any guilt, but the
people began to shout, «Crucify him! »
Jesus was crucified, and people
laughed at him.
Иисуса схватили и распяли на кресте, люди же, не верящие в него,
смеялись и издевались над ним.
At six o'clock it became dark. The
sun grew dark when dying Jesus said,
«Father! Into your hands I commend my spirit».
So the greatest of men died to
raise from dead and to rise to his father to rule us and defend from troubles.
So there are the laws of life which
all the people must follow to become happy:
1. Honors your father and your
mother and you will live long.
2. Don't kill. Murder is the most
dreadful sin. You have no right to take away another's life.
3. Leave the lascivious thoughts
and affairs.
4. Don't steal. Secret always
becomes evident.
5. Don't lie. It is prohibited to
slander, to gossip and condemn.
Live the Christian laws and you'll
be happy.
And now is the song about Jesus.
My friends «Little angels» will
sing it.
Вдруг сделалась тьма. Померкло солнце. Умирающий Иисус произнес:
«Отец! В руки твои передаю дух мой!» Вот так умер тот, кто пришел спасти нас,
чтобы затем воскреснуть и вознестись на небо к своему отцу.
Господь наш Иисус Христос
«Любите всех людей, делайте добро вашим врагам и молитесь за тех,
кто вас обижает. Если вы хотите, чтобы все были с вами ласковы и добры,
поступайте сами так же. Ни о ком не говорите дурно, тогда и о вас не будут
говорить, помогайте другим, и вам помогут. Почитайте своих родителей, и вам
даруется долгая жизнь». Живите по законам христианским и будет вам благо».
Выступление хора английской песни.
(Christopher Magus).
Jesus. He loves you like a father.
Jesus. He has you in his hands.
Jesus. He says all men are
Jesus. He gives you happy chance.
Wherever you're going
He's going your way.
Whatever you're doing
He's making your fate.
Jesus. He leads you in the
Jesus. He saves you day and night.
Jesus. He gotta stop the fighters.
Jesus. He's mighty, he is high.
Wherever you're going
He's going your way.
Whatever you're doing
He's making your fate.
Our festival is going on.
In the centre of London
at the Trafalgar square stands enormous green tree, gift from people of Oslo . In every house
there stand evergreen trees, because the evergreen trees are the symbols of
eternal life. Under the Christmas tree they put a manger with Christ baby. The
house is decorated with twigs of mistletoe and holy. Holy, because before death
Jesus was wearing the garland of holy, and mistletoe is the symbol of love and
reconciliation under which a boy may kiss a girl, asking pardon for the pranks.
On Christmas we must forgive each
others all offences and ask pardon for everything.
Наш праздник продолжается.
В самом центре Лондона, на Трафальгарской площади стоит огромная
зеленая ель — подарок от жителей Осло. И в каждом доме стоит маленькое
вечнозеленое деревце, потому что такие деревья — символ вечной жизни. Под
елочкой ставят ясельки с младенцем Христом, а дом украшают веточками остролиста
и омелы. Остролиста — потому что перед смертью на Иисусе был венок из
остролиста, а омела — символ любви и примирения. В день Рождества мы должны
простить друг другу все обиды и просить прощения у всех, кого обидели.
On the Christmas Eve there is a
fuss in towns, everybody's making preparations. Offices are closed at 1
o'clock, but shops are working. Postmen hurry to deliver millions of Christmas
cards, young people in the streets are singing Christmas songs, collecting
money for poor people.
Накануне Рождества в городах царит суета — все готовятся к
празднику. Учреждения закрываются в час дня, но магазины работают допоздна.
Почтальоны торопятся разнести миллионы рождественских открыток. Под окнами
молодые люди поют рождественские песни, собирая деньги на помощь бедным.
But the main event of Christmas is
the Christmas dinner with traditional turkey or goose, pudding and Christmas
presents. Christmas is the family event, all are gathering at one table, act
the scene about Christ birth, play games, sing Christmas songs and tell
dreadful stories.
If you are not afraid I can tell
you such a story.
Самое главное событие Рождества — праздничный обед с традиционной
индюшкой или гусем, пудингом и рождественскими подарками. Рождество — семейный
праздник, все собираются за одним столом, разыгрывают сценку рождения Христа,
играют в веселые игры, поют рождественские песни и рассказывают страшные
истории. Если вы не боитесь, я расскажу вам одну из них.
Once upon a time a very beautiful
lady visited one estate. Many years ago this estate was managed by a man who
was a tutor of a little boy. This man caged the boy and brought him to death.
Our lady did not know anything about it. She was let the bedroom in which the
boy died many years ago. The lady went to bed. In the morning she asked the
housemaid, «Who is that pretty
boy with sad eyes who looked out of lumber-room? » The housemaid screamed and ran away.
Then she went to her brother and
said: «A boy with sad eyes bothered me all the night. He looked out of the
lumber-room. Are these anybody's jokes?”
«Однажды очень красивая леди приехала погостить в одно имение.
Когда-то давным-давно им управлял опекун маленького мальчика. Этот человек
сажал малыша в клетку и своим жестоким обращением погубил его. Наша леди об
этом ничего не знала. Ей предоставили спальню, в которой когда-то умер
маленький мальчик. Леди спокойно легла спать, а утром спросила у горничной,
когда та вошла: «Кто этот хорошенький малыш с печальными глазами, который всю
ночь выглядывал из чулана?» Горничная громко вскрикнула и тут же убежала. Тогда
леди пошла к брату и сказала: «Мне всю ночь не давал спать какой-то мальчик с
печальными глазами; он то и дело выглядывал из чулана в моей спальне. Это
чьи-то проказы».
«No», answered her brother, «you
saw the Boy Orphan. What did he say? » «He opened the door and looked at me.
Sometimes he came into the room. I called him but he got afraid and hid back
into the lumber-room and shut the door». «It can't be so! » answered her
brother, «The lumber-room is nailed and there is no way out».
It was true. Two carpenters
couldn't open the lumber-room. Then lady understood that she had seen the Boy
Orphan. But the most terrible was that years ago the Boy was seen by three sons
of her brother, all of them died when they were very young.
Everybody of them became sick.
Twelve hours before they came to their mother and said, «Oh, mummy, I've just played
under the oak with a strange boy, pretty, with sad eyes». It was the Boy
Orphan, who died from cruel behavior. It is a real English story which I told
for you not to forget the laws of love, kindness and mercy. Stories of that
kind are told at the Christmas party.
«Нет, — ответил ее брат, — ты видела мальчика-сироту. Что он
делал?» «Он тихонько отворял дверь, — сказала она, — и заглядывал ко мне.
Иногда входил в комнату и делал шаг-другой. Я его подзывала, но он пугался,
вздрагивал, прятался обратно в чулан и закрывался». «Этого не может быть, —
возразил брат леди, — дверь накрепко заколочена». Это была правда. Два плотника
полдня не могли открыть этот чулан. Тогда леди поняла, что видела
мальчика-сироту. Но самое страшное было то, что сироту видели один за другим
три сына ее брата и все трое умерли малолетними. Каждый из них заболевал при
таких обстоятельствах: за двенадцать часов перед тем он прибегал весь в жару и
говорил матери: ах, мама, я играл под дубом с каким-то странным мальчиком —
хорошеньким, с печальными глазами, который был очень пуглив. Это и был
мальчик-сирота, который умер от жестокостей и тоски».
Это самая настоящая английская история, и я рассказал вам ее для
того, чтобы вы не забывали про закон любви и добра, милосердия и сострадания.
Вот такие истории рассказывают на Рождество, а иной раз не обходится без
привидений, которые так и норовят заглянуть в гости.
Sometimes ghosts can come to you.
Imagine that in the height of the party there appears white, sinister, terrible
ghost. It shocks the people and then...
В этот самый момент на сцене и в самом деле появляется привидение
в белом костюме, который состоит из накидки и остроконечного колпака. На нем
черной гуашью нарисована страшная рожица. Привидение проходит по сцене и
направляется к Санта-Клаусу (Санта-Клаус еще не видит ужасного гостя).
Представляете, в самый разгар праздника появляется этакое белое,
жуткое, ужасное привидение, так сказать, спешит на огонек, пугает
добропорядочных граждан, а потом...
(В этот момент привидение пытается душить
(to the Ghost) Wait! Wait! What are you doing? We are at the
festival. Come a little later! A good guy... He's gone? Thanks God!
Эй! Эй! Эй! Погоди! Ты что делаешь? Не видишь — у нас праздник!
Зайди чуть попозже!(Привидение отпускает Сайта-Клауса, Санта в этот момент
потирает шею). Милый
парень... (Поворачивает голову
и смотрит вслед привидению). Ушел? Слава Богу.
Well, the main thing is that
dutiful and loving children get the Christmas presents. They hang their little
stockings at the fireplace. In the morning they find that the stockings are
full of presents. They were sent by Santa.
Так, на чем я остановился? Ах, да! Любящие и послушные дети получают
рождественские подарки. Они развешивают свои маленькие чулочки у камина, а
утром находят их полными гостинцев. Их принес Санта-Клаус.
The story began a long ago when two
poor people were walking in the streets all the day but did not get anything to
eat. Hungry and cold they came back home, hung their wet stockings at the
fireplace to make them dry, cried a little and went to bed. The God took pity
on them and told Santa to give them presents.
Эта история началась давно, когда двое бедных ребятишек весь день
бродили по городу, прося милостыню. Но никто не подал им ничего для ужина.
Продрогшие и голодные, они вернулись домой, развесили свои мокрые от дождя и
снега чулки у камина, чтобы просушить, а утром обнаружили, что они полны подарков.
Господь сжалился над бедными детьми и повелел Санта-Клаусу одарить их
гостинцами. Вот оно какое - Рождество. А теперь для вас прозвучит
рождественская песня.
All day on,
All night long
We will sing
Christmas song.
We will praise
Laugh and dance,
On this day
We will be good friends.
Let it be Christmas,
Let it be Love,
Let it be Jesus!
Today and evermore.
Kings and queens,
Bears and clowns,
Guards and knights
Gonna dance around.
Music born
In my soul,
Let it play at the
Christmas ball,
Let it be Christmas,
Let it be Love,
Let it be Jesus!
Today and evermore.
Теперь для вас, как и положено на празднике, — традиционные
рождественские игры! То, без чего на Рождество нельзя обойтись. Рождество в
декабре не только у Иисуса, но и у некоторых наших ребят, которых мы хотим
пригласить на сцену и поздравить с днем рождения.
Участвовать в играх хотят все, и обычно
получается толкучка и суматоха при проведении игр. В данном случае мы предлагаем
вам ход, который убьет двух зайцев, — сделать приятное детям и определить
играющих. Список должен быть готов заранее, об этом надо позаботиться классным
руководителям. Также заранее проверьте правильность данных. Дата рождения
должна указываться точно. Детям бывает обидно, когда день их рождения называют
неправильно. Тем более Санта-Клаус, который должен знать все.
Мы вручаем ребятам рождественские открытки. Они не простые, а с
секретом. Это будет рождественская лотерея. На всех открытках указано задание,
которое должен выполнить адресат. И только на одной написано, что ее обладатель
должен получить приз.
Вы все знаете и любите мультфильмы Уолта Диснея. Здесь, в этом
ящичке (Санта-Клаус
демонстрирует закрытый легкий ящик или коробку) находится один из персонажей
мультфильма Уолта Диснея.
Дети гадают. Побеждает в конкурсе тот, кто догадается, что в
ящичке сидит кролик. Кролик — герой мультфильма «Новые приключения Винни-Пуха».
Санта-Клаус демонстрирует зрителям живого кролика.
А теперь сюрприз для вас: игра, в которую играют американские
ребятишки на Рождество. На этом столике вы видите ведерко с водой, в котором
плавает яблоко. По сигналу Санта-Клауса вы должны выудить яблоко из воды без
помощи рук. Побеждает в конкурсе тот, кто затратит на это меньше всего времени.
Традиционная песня, без которой не обходится ни один
рождественский праздник, — «Jingle, Bells». Эту песню мы предлагаем вашему
through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Down the hill we go
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtail ring,
Just making spirits bright;
Oh, what fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle, bells!
Jingle, bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh. (2)
A day or two ago,
I thought I'd take a ride,
And soon Miss Fannie Bright
Was seated by my side.
The horse was lean and lank,
Misfortune seemed-his lot;
He got into a drifted bank,
And we, we got upset.
Now the ground is white,
Go it while you're young,
Take the girls tonight,
And sing this sleighing song.
Just get a bobtail bay,
Two forty for his speed;
Then hitch him to an open sleigh,
And crack! you'll take the lead.
Jingle, bells! Jingle, bells!
Jingle all the way!
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh. (2)
Hello, dear English Club members!
Tahksgiving is coming...
Let's read about the history of Thanksgiving!
In September 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers—an assortment of religious separatists seeking a new home where they could freely practice their faith and other individuals lured by the promise of prosperity and land ownership in the New World. After a treacherous and uncomfortable crossing that lasted 66 days, they dropped anchor near the tip of Cape Cod, far north of their intended destination at the mouth of the Hudson River. One month later, the Mayflower crossed Massachusetts Bay, where the Pilgrims, as they are now commonly known, began the work of establishing a village at Plymouth.
Throughout that first brutal winter, most of the colonists remained on board the ship, where they suffered from exposure, scurvy and outbreaks of contagious disease. Only half of the Mayflower’s original passengers and crew lived to see their first New England spring. In March, the remaining settlers moved ashore, where they received an astonishing visit from an Abenaki Indian who greeted them in English. Several days later, he returned with another Native American, Squanto, a member of the Pawtuxet tribe who had been kidnapped by an English sea captain and sold into slavery before escaping to London and returning to his homeland on an exploratory expedition. Squanto taught the Pilgrims, weakened by malnutrition and illness, how to cultivate corn, extract sap from maple trees, catch fish in the rivers and avoid poisonous plants. He also helped the settlers forge an alliance with the Wampanoag, a local tribe, which would endure for more than 50 years and tragically remains one of the sole examples of harmony between European colonists and Native Americans.
In November 1621, after the Pilgrims’ first corn harvest proved successful, Governor William Bradford organized a celebratory feast and invited a group of the fledgling colony’s Native American allies, including the Wampanoag chief Massasoit. Now remembered as American’s “first Thanksgiving”—although the Pilgrims themselves may not have used the term at the time—the festival lasted for three days. While no record exists of the historic banquet’s exact menu, the Pilgrim chronicler Edward Winslow wrote in his journal that Governor Bradford sent four men on a “fowling” mission in preparation for the event, and that the Wampanoag guests arrived bearing five deer. Historians have suggested that many of the dishes were likely prepared using traditional Native American spices and cooking methods. Because the Pilgrims had no oven and the Mayflower’s sugar supply had dwindled by the fall of 1621, the meal did not feature pies, cakes or other desserts, which have become a hallmark of contemporary celebrations.
Check out the Thanksgiving by the Numbers infographic for more facts about how the first Thanksgiving compares to modern holiday traditions.
Pilgrims held their second Thanksgiving celebration in 1623 to mark the end of a long drought that had threatened the year’s harvest and prompted Governor Bradford to call for a religious fast. Days of fasting and thanksgiving on an annual or occasional basis became common practice in other New England settlements as well. During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress designated one or more days of thanksgiving a year, and in 1789George Washington issued the first Thanksgiving proclamation by the national government of the United States; in it, he called upon Americans to express their gratitude for the happy conclusion to the country’s war of independence and the successful ratification of the U.S. Constitution. His successors John Adams and James Madison also designated days of thanks during their presidencies.
In 1817, New York became the first of several states to officially adopt an annual Thanksgiving holiday; each celebrated it on a different day, however, and the American South remained largely unfamiliar with the tradition. In 1827, the noted magazine editor and prolific writer Sarah Josepha Hale—author, among countless other things, of the nursery rhyme “Mary Had a Little Lamb”—launched a campaign to establish Thanksgiving as a national holiday. For 36 years, she published numerous editorials and sent scores of letters to governors, senators, presidents and other politicians. Abraham Lincoln finally heeded her request in 1863, at the height of the Civil War, in a proclamation entreating all Americans to ask God to “commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife” and to “heal the wounds of the nation.” He scheduled Thanksgiving for the final Thursday in November, and it was celebrated on that day every year until 1939, when Franklin D. Roosevelt moved the holiday up a week in an attempt to spur retail sales during the Great Depression. Roosevelt’s plan, known derisively as Franksgiving, was met with passionate opposition, and in 1941 the president reluctantly signed a bill making Thanksgiving the fourth Thursday in November.
In many American households, the Thanksgiving celebration has lost much of its original religious significance; instead, it now centers on cooking and sharing a bountiful meal with family and friends. Turkey, a Thanksgiving staple so ubiquitous it has become all but synonymous with the holiday, may or may not have been on offer when the Pilgrims hosted the inaugural feast in 1621. Today, however, nearly 90 percent of Americans eat the bird—whether roasted, baked or deep-fried—on Thanksgiving, according to the National Turkey Federation. Other traditional foods include stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Volunteering is a common Thanksgiving Day activity, and communities often hold food drives and host free dinners for the less fortunate.
Parades have also become an integral part of the holiday in cities and towns across the United States. Presented by Macy’s department store since 1924, New York City’s Thanksgiving Day parade is the largest and most famous, attracting some 2 to 3 million spectators along its 2.5-mile route and drawing an enormous television audience. It typically features marching bands, performers, elaborate floats conveying various celebrities and giant balloons shaped like cartoon characters.
Beginning in the mid-20th century and perhaps even earlier, the president of the United States has “pardoned” one or two Thanksgiving turkeys each year, sparing the birds from slaughter and sending them to a farm for retirement. A number of U.S. governors also perform the annual turkey pardoning ritual.
For some scholars, the jury is still out on whether the feast at Plymouth really constituted the first Thanksgiving in the United States. Indeed, historians have recorded other ceremonies of thanks among European settlers in North America that predate the Pilgrims’ celebration. In 1565, for instance, the Spanish explorer Pedro Menéndez de Avilé invited members of the local Timucua tribe to a dinner in St. Augustine, Florida, after holding a mass to thank God for his crew’s safe arrival. On December 4, 1619, when 38 British settlers reached a site known as Berkeley Hundred on the banks of Virginia’s James River, they read a proclamation designating the date as “a day of thanksgiving to Almighty God.”
Some Native Americans and others take issue with how the Thanksgiving story is presented to the American public, and especially to schoolchildren. In their view, the traditional narrative paints a deceptively sunny portrait of relations between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people, masking the long and bloody history of conflict between Native Americans and European settlers that resulted in the deaths of millions. Since 1970, protesters have gathered on the day designated as Thanksgiving at the top of Cole’s Hill, which overlooks Plymouth Rock, to commemorate a “National Day of Mourning.” Similar events are held in other parts of the country.
Although the American concept of Thanksgiving developed in the colonies of New England, its roots can be traced back to the other side of the Atlantic. Both the Separatists who came over on the Mayflower and the Puritans who arrived soon after brought with them a tradition of providential holidays—days of fasting during difficult or pivotal moments and days of feasting and celebration to thank God in times of plenty.
As an annual celebration of the harvest and its bounty, moreover, Thanksgiving falls under a category of festivals that spans cultures, continents and millennia. In ancient times, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans feasted and paid tribute to their gods after the fall harvest. Thanksgiving also bears a resemblance to the ancient Jewish harvest festival of Sukkot. Finally, historians have noted that Native Americans had a rich tradition of commemorating the fall harvest with feasting and merrymaking long before Europeans set foot on their shores.
GIRL PILGRIM (daughter of woman and
man pilgrim 1)
BOY PILGRIM (son of woman and man pilgrim
PROPS: Cardboard ship,
berries, seeds, herb/plant, corn seeds, basket of fruit, basket of vegetables,
arrows and bows, cooked or plastic turkey, long table, chairs.
The table is on the center of stage.
The basket of fruit and the basket of vegetables are on the floor near the
(Boy 1 and 2 enter the stage
talking. They stand in the center of the stage)
BOY 1: What
are you going to do for Thanksgiving?.
BOY 2: I don’t
BOY 1: Why
don’t you and your family come over and eat turkey with us?.
BOY 2: That
would be great! What time do you want us to come?.
BOY 1: About
BOY 2: Okay, I
will see you then.
(Boy 2 starts to walk and waves
BOY 1:
Hey. Wait!.
BOY 2: (turns
around) What’s
1: Do you
know the story of thanksgiving?.
BOY 2:
Sort of.
BOY 1:
Do you want me to tell you the story?.
BOY 2:
BOY 1: (they
start walking and leave the stage) Many,
many years ago…..
Pilgrims that were living in
(Woman Pilgrim 2, Man Pilgrim 2,
and Boy Pilgrim enter and stand in the right side of the stage. Woman
Pilgrim 1, Man Pilgrim 1, and Girl Pilgrim enter the stage talking)
can`t go on like this anymore.
PILGRIM 1: I know,
we don`t have religious freedom, but we have to do what our King James
PILGRIM 1: I still
don`t understand why he doesn`t allow us to attend the church of our choice.
PILGRIM 1: I think
we should leave
PILGRIM 1: I agree
with you. We have to talk to other people and see who wants to join us.
(They approach Woman Pilgrim 2,
Man Pilgrim 2, and Boy Pilgrim)
PILGRIM 1: We want to break away from the
Church of England. It is too controlling!.
PILGRIM 2: How can we do it?.
PILGRIM 1: Let’s
gather some people to sail across the Atlantic to settle in a
PILGRIM 2: But we
don’t have any money!.
PILGRIM 1: Some merchants will fund our trip.
PILGRIM 2: Yes, for the sake of our children
and for the gospel, we need to immigrate to
(They get inside the cardboard
ship and walk around the stage)
pilgrims left
Woman Pilgrim 1) Mom, I
am hungry, we only eat salted meat and dry bisquits.
PILGRIM 1: I know
sweety, we have been in this boat for almost two months!.
sure we will soon get off this ship.
over there, I can see land!.
PILGRIM 2: I told
you, we are almost there.
(They get out of the ship and walk
around the stage. Berries and seeds are on the floor)
they landed, the Pilgrims needed food to eat.
everybody!. We have to look for fresh food.
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
get separated to find the food.
will go this way, and you go that way.
(they walk around the stage
looking down for food)
PILGRIM: (picks
up the berries) Hey,
look! I have some berries.
PILGRIM: (picks
up the seeds) And I
found some seeds.
Father! Look what we found!
PILGRIMS: (holding
hands and looking up) Thank
you God for your blessings!.
first winter in
cold. Everybody put on your heavy clothes.
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
protect our children.
Some pilgrims became ill.
pilgrim woman 2) I
feel sick, mother. (lies
on the floor)
PILGRIM 2: (kneels
down) Somebody
help me!. My son is sick.
PILGRIM 1: (gives
a herbal plant to woman pilgrim 2) Give
him this plant. It will cure his disease and he will feel much
PILGRIM 2: (gives
the herbal plant to the boy) Thank
(Boy Pilgrim eats the plant and
Spring came and everybody was joyful.
BOY PILGRIM: (dancing
together) What
a beautiful day! Let´s dance and play.
(The Pilgrims stand in the middle
of the stage and sing)
THE PILGRIMS SING: (Sung to: “It’s a Beautiful Day”) See the
Shinning in the window,
Time to start a new day.
Can’t you hear the song bird singing?
Anouncing a loud day.
And it’s a beautiful day,
for running in the sun,
A beautiful day has just begun,
A beautiful day to do what I want to
And it’s a beautiful day,
Just to be alive,
A beautiful day so glad that I’ve got,
A beautiful day,
And I’d like to share it with you.
some indians came to the village.
(All the Indians enter the stage)
People. We want to offer you our help.
PILGRIM 1: Welcome
to our village. We appreciate your help.
2, 3, 4: We can
show you how to grow your own food.
PILGRIM 2: Please,
tell us how.
INDIAN 1: (shows
them the seeds) These
are corn seeds. (kneels
down and puts the seeds on the floor) This is
how you should plant them.
(Man Pilgrim 1 and 2 kneel down)
Indians showed the pilgrims how to plant corn, and wheat, and other
vegetables. One of the Indians was called Squanto.
(Indian 1, Man Pilgrim 1 and 2
to be your friend.
INDIAN 2: We also
want to teach you how to hunt and fish.
INDIAN 3: We will
hunt quail and turkey.
4: Come
let´s go to the forest.
they went to the forest to hunt wild animals.
(They walk around the stage
pretending to hunt. The Indians stand in the middle of the stage and
SING: I’m a Little Indian (Sung to: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little Indian on the go,
Here is my arrow and here is my bow.
When I go out hunting, hear me shout-
Bear and
(when the finish singing the Indians
leave the stage except Squanto)
when summer ended they wanted to have a feast.
that we have plenty of food, and many new friends, let´s celebrate.
let´s give thanks for all the wonderful things we have, for our food, and for
our friends.
PILGRIM 1: (to
Squanto) Tell your people to come with us to join
us in a big feast of Thanksgiving.
SQUANTO: Yes, it
will be a very special holiday. My people will bring a wild turkey and
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
set the table.
(The Indians enter the stage and
approach the table carrying the turkey and put it on the table)
PILGRIM: ( picks
up the basket of fruit and puts it on the table) I will
put a basket full of fruit.
PILGRIM: (picks
up the basket of vegetables and puts it on the table) And
these are the vegetables.
PILGRIM 2: Everybody,
come and sit down.
(Pilgrims and Indians sit)
PILGRIM 1 AND 2 : (holding
hands) We give
thanks for our food and for our friends.
PILGRIM 1 AND 2: And for
our many blessings.
AND INDIANS: Thank you, Lord.
(The Indians and the pilgrims
stand in the center of the stage and sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)
Let’s be thankful for this day,
For our friends and for our play.
Let’s be thankful; let’s be glad,
For the food and things we have.
Let’s give thanks for you and me,
The End
ext-de� �*t o Ps- �/ initial;">PRINCESS: One must encourage art. I am the emperor’s daughter!. Tell him I will give him ten kisses, as I did the other day; the remainder one of my ladies can give him.
Multiple Choice Thanksgiving Questions
occurs on the:
1. a) Fourth
Thursday in November
2. b) Third
Thursday in November
3. c) November
26 each year
first Thanksgiving lasted:
1. a) One
2. b) Two
3. c) Three
Which of the following was NOT served at
the Pilgrims Thanksgiving meal?
1. a) Cranberries,
corn, and mashed potatoes
2. b) Rabbit, chicken, wild turkey, and dried
3. c) Venison
(deer meat), fish, goose
Which Indian tribe taught the Pilgrims
how to cultivate the land and were invited to the Thanksgiving meal?
1. a) Apache
2. b) Wampanoag
3. c) Cherokee
Approximately how many turkeys are eaten
each year on Thanksgiving in the United States ?
1. a) 100
2. b) 280
3. c) 500
Which southern state was the first to
adopt a Thanksgiving Day in 1855?
1. a) South
2. b) Virginia
3. c) Georgia
is a snood?
1. a) The loose skin under a male turkey’s
2. b) A hat worn by a Pilgrim
3. c) A hot cider drink served at
What utensil was not used by the
Pilgrims to eat Thanksgiving dinner?
1. a) Knife
2. b) Fork
3. c) Spoon
The best place to put the meat
thermometer in the turkey is:
1. a) The
2. b) The
middle of the back
3. c) The
Which president is believed to be the
first to pardon a turkey and start this annual tradition?
1. a) President
Lincoln in 1863
2. b) President
Roosevelt in 1939
3. c) President
Harry Truman in 1947
The Pilgrims came to the New world
seeking religious freedom and were also called:
1. a) The Puritans because they wanted to
purify the teachings and ceremonies of the Church of England.
2. b) The
Great Explorers
3. c) The
Today, our Thanksgiving is the fourth
Thursday of November because
1. a) It is the date the Pilgrims landed in
the New World .
2. b) This was the date set by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939 and approved by Congress in 1941.
3. c) It was the date people voted to have it
What is a baby turkey called?
1. a) A
2. b) A
3. c) A
It has been estimated that how many
Americans eat turkey at Thanksgiving.
1. a) 88%
2. b) 50%
3. c) 75%
A full grown turkey has about how many
1. a) A
2. b) Too
many to count!
3. c) 3,500
GIRL PILGRIM (daughter of woman and
man pilgrim 1)
BOY PILGRIM (son of woman and man pilgrim
PROPS: Cardboard ship,
berries, seeds, herb/plant, corn seeds, basket of fruit, basket of vegetables,
arrows and bows, cooked or plastic turkey, long table, chairs.
The table is on the center of stage.
The basket of fruit and the basket of vegetables are on the floor near the
(Boy 1 and 2 enter the stage
talking. They stand in the center of the stage)
BOY 1: What
are you going to do for Thanksgiving?.
BOY 2: I don’t
BOY 1: Why
don’t you and your family come over and eat turkey with us?.
BOY 2: That
would be great! What time do you want us to come?.
BOY 1: About
BOY 2: Okay, I
will see you then.
(Boy 2 starts to walk and waves
BOY 1:
Hey. Wait!.
BOY 2: (turns
around) What’s
1: Do you
know the story of thanksgiving?.
BOY 2:
Sort of.
BOY 1:
Do you want me to tell you the story?.
BOY 2:
BOY 1: (they
start walking and leave the stage) Many,
many years ago…..
Pilgrims that were living in England
were unhappy because there was religious persecution.
(Woman Pilgrim 2, Man Pilgrim 2,
and Boy Pilgrim enter and stand in the right side of the stage. Woman
Pilgrim 1, Man Pilgrim 1, and Girl Pilgrim enter the stage talking)
can`t go on like this anymore.
PILGRIM 1: I know,
we don`t have religious freedom, but we have to do what our King James
PILGRIM 1: I still
don`t understand why he doesn`t allow us to attend the church of our choice.
PILGRIM 1: I think
we should leave England
and find a place where we can worship God in our own way.
PILGRIM 1: I agree
with you. We have to talk to other people and see who wants to join us.
(They approach Woman Pilgrim 2,
Man Pilgrim 2, and Boy Pilgrim)
PILGRIM 1: We want to break away from the
Church of England. It is too controlling!.
PILGRIM 2: How can we do it?.
PILGRIM 1: Let’s
gather some people to sail across the Atlantic to settle in a New
World .
PILGRIM 2: But we
don’t have any money!.
PILGRIM 1: Some merchants will fund our trip.
PILGRIM 2: Yes, for the sake of our children
and for the gospel, we need to immigrate to America .
(They get inside the cardboard
ship and walk around the stage)
pilgrims left England in
September, 1620 in
a a ship called the Mayflower with 102 people aboard and came to America .
Woman Pilgrim 1) Mom, I
am hungry, we only eat salted meat and dry bisquits.
PILGRIM 1: I know
sweety, we have been in this boat for almost two months!.
sure we will soon get off this ship.
over there, I can see land!.
PILGRIM 2: I told
you, we are almost there.
(They get out of the ship and walk
around the stage. Berries and seeds are on the floor)
they landed, the Pilgrims needed food to eat.
everybody!. We have to look for fresh food.
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
get separated to find the food.
will go this way, and you go that way.
(they walk around the stage
looking down for food)
PILGRIM: (picks
up the berries) Hey,
look! I have some berries.
PILGRIM: (picks
up the seeds) And I
found some seeds.
Father! Look what we found!
PILGRIMS: (holding
hands and looking up) Thank
you God for your blessings!.
first winter in America
was long and hard.
cold. Everybody put on your heavy clothes.
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
protect our children.
Some pilgrims became ill.
pilgrim woman 2) I
feel sick, mother. (lies
on the floor)
PILGRIM 2: (kneels
down) Somebody
help me!. My son is sick.
PILGRIM 1: (gives
a herbal plant to woman pilgrim 2) Give
him this plant. It will cure his disease and he will feel much
PILGRIM 2: (gives
the herbal plant to the boy) Thank
(Boy Pilgrim eats the plant and
Spring came and everybody was joyful.
BOY PILGRIM: (dancing
together) What
a beautiful day! Let´s dance and play.
(The Pilgrims stand in the middle
of the stage and sing)
THE PILGRIMS SING: (Sung to: “It’s a Beautiful Day”) See the
Shinning in the window,
Time to start a new day.
Can’t you hear the song bird singing?
Anouncing a loud day.
And it’s a beautiful day,
for running in the sun,
A beautiful day has just begun,
A beautiful day to do what I want to
And it’s a beautiful day,
Just to be alive,
A beautiful day so glad that I’ve got,
A beautiful day,
And I’d like to share it with you.
some indians came to the village.
(All the Indians enter the stage)
People. We want to offer you our help.
PILGRIM 1: Welcome
to our village. We appreciate your help.
2, 3, 4: We can
show you how to grow your own food.
PILGRIM 2: Please,
tell us how.
INDIAN 1: (shows
them the seeds) These
are corn seeds. (kneels
down and puts the seeds on the floor) This is
how you should plant them.
(Man Pilgrim 1 and 2 kneel down)
Indians showed the pilgrims how to plant corn, and wheat, and other
vegetables. One of the Indians was called Squanto.
(Indian 1, Man Pilgrim 1 and 2
to be your friend.
INDIAN 2: We also
want to teach you how to hunt and fish.
INDIAN 3: We will
hunt quail and turkey.
4: Come
let´s go to the forest.
they went to the forest to hunt wild animals.
(They walk around the stage
pretending to hunt. The Indians stand in the middle of the stage and
SING: I’m a Little Indian (Sung to: “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little Indian on the go,
Here is my arrow and here is my bow.
When I go out hunting, hear me shout-
Bear and Buffalo better watch out.
(when the finish singing the Indians
leave the stage except Squanto)
when summer ended they wanted to have a feast.
that we have plenty of food, and many new friends, let´s celebrate.
let´s give thanks for all the wonderful things we have, for our food, and for
our friends.
PILGRIM 1: (to
Squanto) Tell your people to come with us to join
us in a big feast of Thanksgiving.
SQUANTO: Yes, it
will be a very special holiday. My people will bring a wild turkey and
PILGRIM 2: Let´s
set the table.
(The Indians enter the stage and
approach the table carrying the turkey and put it on the table)
PILGRIM: ( picks
up the basket of fruit and puts it on the table) I will
put a basket full of fruit.
PILGRIM: (picks
up the basket of vegetables and puts it on the table) And
these are the vegetables.
PILGRIM 2: Everybody,
come and sit down.
(Pilgrims and Indians sit)
PILGRIM 1 AND 2 : (holding
hands) We give
thanks for our food and for our friends.
PILGRIM 1 AND 2: And for
our many blessings.
AND INDIANS: Thank you, Lord.
(The Indians and the pilgrims
stand in the center of the stage and sing to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle”)
Let’s be thankful for this day,
For our friends and for our play.
Let’s be thankful; let’s be glad,
For the food and things we have.
Let’s give thanks for you and me,
And our home and family.
PILGRIMS, INDIANS: (they bow) Thank You!.
The End
NARRATOR 1: Once upon a time there was a poor prince; his kingdom was very small,
but it was large enough to enable him to marry. He wanted to marry the
Emperor’s daughter, and was decided to ask her if she would marry him.
NARRATOR 2: On the grave of the prince’s father grew a rose-tree, the most beautiful
of its kind. It bloomed only once in five years, and it had only one single
beautiful rose, It had such a sweet scent that anyone who smelt it
instantly forgot all sorrow and grief. He had also a nightingale, which could
sing beautifully.
PRINCE: I will give this rose and the nightingale to the princess. I hope she
accepts to marry me.
NARRATOR: So both were put into big silver cases and sent to her.
EMPEROR: Servant!.
EMPEROR: Take this cases to the great hall where the princess is.
Narrator 3: The princes was with her ladies when she saw the large cases with the
presents inside, she clapped her hands for joy.
PRINCESS: If only it were a little pussy cat!.
NARRATOR 1: But the rose-tree with the beautiful rose came out.
LADIES: Oh, how nicely it is made.
EMPEROR: It is more than nice, it is charming.
PRINCESS: Ugh!. Papa. It is not artificial, it is REAL!.
LADIES: Ugh, it is real!.
EMPEROR: Let us first see what the other case contains before we are angry.
NARRATOR 2: Then the nightingale was taken out, and it sang so beautifully that no
one could possibly say anything unkind about it.
LADIES: Superbe, charmant.
COURTIER: How much the bird reminds me of the musical box of the late lamented
empress, it has exactly the same tone, the same execution.
EMPEROR: (crying) You are right.
PRINCESS: I hope it is not real.
LADIES: Yes, certainly it is real.
PRINCESS: Then let it fly, and I will not see the prince.
NARRATOR 3: But the prince was not discouraged. He painted his face, put on common
clothes, pulled his cap over his forehead, and went to see the emperor.
PRINCE: Good day, emperor. Can you give me a job at the court?.
EMPEROR: Yes, but there are so many who ask for a place that I don’t know whether
there will be one for you; but, still, I will remember you. But wait a moment,
it has just occurred to me that I need someone to look after my pigs, for I
have so very many of them.
NARRATOR 1: So the prince was appointed imperial swineherd, and he lived in small
room near the pigsty; there he worked all day long, and when it was night he
made a pretty little pot. There were little bells round the rim, and when the
water began to boil in it, the bells began to play the old tune:
Ah Dear Augustine!
All is Gone, gone gone !
NARRATOR 2: But there was something even more wonderful than that. When you put a
finger into the steam rising from the pot, you could at once smell what meals
were cooking on every fire in the whole town.
NARRATOR 3: That was indeed much more remarkable than the rose. When the princess with
her ladies passed by and heard the tune, she stopped and looked quite pleased,
for she also could play it-in fact, it was the only tune she could play on the
piano, and she played it with one finger.
PRINCESS: That is the tune I know. He must be a well-educated swineherd. Go
and ask him how much the instrument is.
NARRATOR 1: Lilieth, one of the ladies had to go and ask. Before she went into the
muddy field, she put wooden clogs on her feet.
LILIETH: What will you take for your pot?.
PRINCE: I will have ten kisses from the princess.
LILIETH: God forbid.
PRINCE: Well, I cannot sell it for less.
NARRATOR 1: Lilieth went to tell the princess what the prince said.
PRINCESS: What did he say?.
LILIETH: I really cannot tell you.
PRINCESS: You can whisper it into my ear.
NARRATOR 2: Lilieth then told her what the prince said.
PRINCESS: It is very naughty.
NARRATOR 3: So she started walking away, but when she had gone a little
distance, the bells rang again so sweetly.
“Ah! Dear Augstine !
All is gone, gone,
PRINCESS: Lilieth, go and ask him, if he will be satisfied with ten kisses from
one of my ladies.
NARRATOR 1: So Lilieth went again to talk to the prince.
PRINCE: No, thank you, ten kisses from the princess, or I keep my pot.
NARRATOR 2: Lilieth went back to the princess.
LILIETH: My princess, he said no.
PRINCESS: That is tiresome, but you must stand before me, so that nobody can see
LILIETH: Very well,let me call the other girls. Ladies! We have
something to do for our princess. Come fast!.
NARRATOR 3: The ladies came running. Lilieth told them the plan so they went
to the prince hut and placed themselves in front of her and spread out their
dresses, and she gave the swineherd ten kisses and received the pot.
NARRATOR 1: That was a pleasure!. Day and night the water in the pot was boiling;
there was not a single fire in the whole town of which they did not know what
was preparing on it, the chamberlain’s as well as the shoemaker’s. The ladies
danced and clapped their hands for joy.
LADIES: We know who will eat soup and pancakes; we know who will eat porridge
and cutlets; oh, how interesting!.
PRINCESS: Very interesting, indeed. But you must not betray me, for I am the
emperor’s daughter.
LADIES: Of course not.
NARRATOR 2: The swineherd, or the prince, did not waste a single day without doing
something; he made a rattle, which, when turned quickly round, played all the
dance tunes known since the creation of the world.
NARRATOR 3: One day the princess was passing by and heard the music.
PRINCESS: But that is superb, I have never heard a more beautiful sound. Lilieth,
my loyal lady, go down and ask him what the musical instrument costs; but I
shall not kiss him again.
LILIETH: Right away.
NARRATOR 1: So Lilieth went again to the prince`s hut.
LILIETH: Swineherd, the princess want to know how much your instrument costs, but
she said that she will not kiss you again.
PRINCE: I will have a hundred kisses from the princess.
LILIETH: What!. That`s enough. But I will tell my princess your
NARRATOR 2: So Lilieth once again went to the princess and told her the answer.
PRINCESS: I believe he is mad.
NARRATOR 3: And she started walking away, but soon she stopped.
PRINCESS: One must encourage art. I am the emperor’s daughter!. Tell him I
will give him ten kisses, as I did the other day; the remainder one of my
ladies can give him.
LILIETH: But none of us wants to kiss him.
PRINCESS: That is nonsense, if I can kiss him, you can also do it. Remember that I
give you food and employment. So, go and tell him what I said.
LILIETH: Very well.
NARRATOR 1: And Lilieth had to go down once more.
PRINCE: A hundred kisses from the princess, or everybody keeps his own.
NARRATOR 2: And the princess had no choice but to do as he said.
PRINCESS: Place yourselves before me.
NARRATOR 3: They did as they were ordered, and the princess kissed him.
NARRATOR 1: At that moment the emperor had just came out on his balcony.
EMPEROR: I wonder what that crowd near the pigsty means!. said the emperor.
NARRATOR 2: And he rubbed his eyes and put his spectacles on.
EMPEROR: The ladies of the court are up to some mischief, I think. I shall have
to go down and see.
NARRATOR 3: He put on his shoes, and went down to the courtyard he walked quite
softly, and the ladies were so busily engaged in counting the kisses, that they
did not notice the emperor. He raised himself on tiptoe.
EMPEROR: What does this mean?. Oh, daughter, what are you doing?. Why
are you kissing the swineherd?.
NARRATOR 1: Then he started hitting their heads with his shoe just as the swineherd
received the sixty-eighth kiss.
EMPEROR: Go out of my sight!. You both get away from the
palace. I don`t want to see you anymore.
PRINCESS: But, father..
EMPEROR: Go away!.
NARRATOR 2: They started walking out from the palace, and after a while she stood
and cried, and then it started raining.
PRINCESS: Oh, I am an unfortunate creature!. I wish I had accepted the
prince. Oh, how wretched I am!.
NARRATOR 3: The swineherd went behind a tree, wiped his face, threw off his poor
attire and stepped forth in his princely clothes; he looked so beautiful that
the princess could not help bowing to him.
PRINCE: I have now learnt to look down on you. You refused an honest
PRINCESS: Oh, please forgive me.
PRINCE: No, you did not appreciate the rose and the nightingale.
PRINCESS: Please, prince, give me another opportunity. I am sorry for not
accepting you.
PRINCE: Now you say that, but you did not mind kissing a swineherd for his
toys; you have no one but yourself to blame!. Now I will go to my
palace alone.
PRINCESS: No, I want to go with you!. Don`t leave me here, my father doesn`t
want me in the palace. What am I going to do?.
PRINCE: Good-bye Princess, I really wanted to marry you, but you deceive the
most precious and valuable gifts that I gave you.
NARRATOR: And then he returned to his kingdom and left her behind. She could
now sing at her leisure:
“Ah Dear Augustine!
All is Gone, gone gone
LILIETH: But none of us wants to kiss him.
PRINCESS: That is nonsense, if I can kiss him, you can also do it. Remember that I give you food and employment. So, go and tell him what I said.
LILIETH: Very well.
NARRATOR 1: And Lilieth had to go down once more.
PRINCE: A hundred kisses from the princess, or everybody keeps his own.
NARRATOR 2: And the princess had no choice but to do as he said.
PRINCESS: Place yourselves before me.
NARRATOR 3: They did as they were ordered, and the princess kissed him.
NARRATOR 1: At that moment the emperor had just came out on his balcony.
EMPEROR: I wonder what that crowd near the pigsty means!. said the emperor.
NARRATOR 2: And he rubbed his eyes and put his spectacles on.
EMPEROR: The ladies of the court are up to some mischief, I think. I shall have to go down and see.
NARRATOR 3: He put on his shoes, and went down to the courtyard he walked quite softly, and the ladies were so busily engaged in counting the kisses, that they did not notice the emperor. He raised himself on tiptoe.
EMPEROR: What does this mean?. Oh, daughter, what are you doing?. Why are you kissing the swineherd?.
NARRATOR 1: Then he started hitting their heads with his shoe just as the swineherd received the sixty-eighth kiss.
EMPEROR: Go out of my sight!. You both get away from the palace. I don`t want to see you anymore.
PRINCESS: But, father..
EMPEROR: Go away!.
NARRATOR 2: They started walking out from the palace, and after a while she stood and cried, and then it started raining.
PRINCESS: Oh, I am an unfortunate creature!. I wish I had accepted the prince. Oh, how wretched I am!.
NARRATOR 3: The swineherd went behind a tree, wiped his face, threw off his poor attire and stepped forth in his princely clothes; he looked so beautiful that the princess could not help bowing to him.
PRINCE: I have now learnt to look down on you. You refused an honest prince.
PRINCESS: Oh, please forgive me.
PRINCE: No, you did not appreciate the rose and the nightingale.
PRINCESS: Please, prince, give me another opportunity. I am sorry for not accepting you.
PRINCE: Now you say that, but you did not mind kissing a swineherd for his toys; you have no one but yourself to blame!. Now I will go to my palace alone.
PRINCESS: No, I want to go with you!. Don`t leave me here, my father doesn`t want me in the palace. What am I going to do?.
PRINCE: Good-bye Princess, I really wanted to marry you, but you deceive the most precious and valuable gifts that I gave you.
NARRATOR: And then he returned to his kingdom and left her behind. She could now sing at her leisure:
“Ah Dear Augustine!
All is Gone, gone gone !”
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