The English Club

вторник, 3 марта 2020 г.

Сообщение для учащихся 9-х классов от 4 марта 2020 года - образец устного высказывания о радио.

Образец устного высказывания о радио: 

Task 3 You are going to give a talk about radio. You will have to start in 1,5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (10-12 sentences).

Remember to say:
-          why, in the era of TV and the Internet, radio is still popular with some people;
-          what kind of radio programmes young people usually listen to;
-          whether you would like to work for a radio station; why/why not;
-          what your attitude to radio is. 

People still listen to the radio in this era of TV and the Internet. I think that radio is still popular because you can listen to it while you are on your way somewhere. When we are driving to, say, St. Petersburg or to our friends’ dacha we are also  listening to a radio. As far as I know, different hit parades are popular among young people. Personally, I like hit parades on “Like FM”. One of my friends listens to audio books on another station. Another friend of mine listens to analytical programs on “Business FM”. He is going to become a financial analyst. As for me, I would like to try to work at a radio station. I’ve seen many movies where the main characters worked as DJs or hosts at a radio station. So I’d like to try it out. I am sure I would make a good host. It must be very interesting and exciting.
  On the whole, my attitude to radio is positive. Listening to the radio gives a lot of joy and bright emotions.That’s all I wanted to say.

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