The English Club

воскресенье, 1 марта 2020 г.

Защита окружающей среды - Сообщение от 2 марта 2020 года

Защита окружающей среды 

You can help the environment by learning and practicing the 3 Rs: REDUCE, RECYCLE and REUSE!

Choose to reuse
It’s not waste until you waste it! Think carefully about how you can reuse something before you throw it away[1] Make a compost heap in the garden with fruit and vegetable material – it will decompose and make good fertilizer for your plants. Also, if things break, try to repair them before you replace them. Remember that one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure! If you buy a replacement for something you already have, give the old item to someone who can use it. Have your jeans got holes in the knees? Make new shorts out of them or give them to someone who needs them. Don’t throw away empty jars and bottles; rinse them out and use them to store other things.
Turn it down or switch it off
Always switch off the lights when you leave an empty room, and use light bulbs that save energy. You can also switch off the cooker a few minutes earlier – there will still be enough heat to finish cooking the food. Why not take showers in cooler water and for shorter length of time? Finally, turn down the heating and put on warmer clothes if you’re cold.

[1] throw away - выбросить

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