The English Club

четверг, 12 марта 2020 г.

Letter combinations GH, OO - правила чтения и исключения.

Сообщение от 13 марта 2020 года: 

Чтение буквосочетаний GH, OO:

Exam Task: Reading Aloud
Pronunciation tip:
Letter combination GH :
The combination GH represents the sound [f]
at the end of some words:
enough [¡naf]
But remember the words, where “gh” at the end is silent (не произносится)!:
though, sigh, through, plough
The combination gh at the end of the word before T is usually silent!
thought [ Өο: t]  but     laughter [la:ftε]!
The combination OO represents the sounds [u], [u:]
book     mood 
but       blood   flood [blad], [flad]

Task 1: Practise reading the following words:

Though, cough, straight, broom, bought, blood, cartoon, tough, flood, weight, rough, through, shoot, scoop, laugh, book, sigh, height, plough, kangaroo.

Task 2: Read the text aloud.

    Stress is the feeling of being under emotional pressure and is the body’s way of attempting to deal with a tough situation. It can be caused  by anything from a real physical threat such as bullying to a simple fear of making a presentation in front of the class and can affect how you think, feel, behave and how your body functions. When the body feels stressed, it produces hormones to make you more alert and capable of handling the situation. These hormones speed up the metabolism by increasing breathing and   heart rate and raising blood pressure.
    A reasonable amount of stress is good for the body. It keeps you on your toes and improves your performance. However, frequent stress causes the nervous system to remain on alert and to produce excessive amounts of stress hormones. This can have an adverse effect on your performance, leave you feeling tired and weakened and eventually cause health problems such as acne, high blood pressure, depression or other diseases. Obviously, managing stress should be on everyone’s mind.

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