The English Club

воскресенье, 17 ноября 2019 г.

Сообщение для всех от 17 ноября 2019 года - Describing photos.

Describing photos 

Learn some useful phrases to describe a photo: 

Выберите фотографию и опишите человека (людей ) на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. 

У вас должен получиться связный рассказ 8-10 предложений (для 7 класса), 12-15 предложений (для 11 класса). 

План ответа поможет вам (для 7 класса)

 -  the place   

 - the action 

 - the person's appearance  

- whether you like the picture / activity or not  

 - why 

1. I've chosen photo № 1. 

2. Hello! Nice to see you! Look at the photo! Isn't it lovely? 

Describing the position of things in a photo 

(Описание расположения вещей и людей на фотографии).

3. In the background, there are some trees. 

4. In the foreground, I can see two people standing / sitting. 

5. There's a young girl sitting at the table. 

6. I can see a car driving along a big road. 

7. On the left of the photo, there is a cafe with seats outside.

 8. The table is near the window. 

9. It's quite sunny outside. 

Saying where the people are: 

1. They're standing indoors/outdoors/by a river, etc.

2. They're sitting on a train/bus, etc.

3. They're at the beach/in a swimming pool/at a party/ in a big room, etc. 

4. They seem to be in a hotel/cinema/forest, etc. 

Describing people:  

1. She's (quite/rather) short/tall/thin/fat, etc. 

2. He's got dark/fair skin/hair,etc. 

3. She's got short/long/straight hair, etc.

4. He's wearing jeans and a strange hat, etc. 

Describing places: 

1. The (square/street/park)  looks rather crowded. 

2. It seems to be a very old bridge/park/forest/town. 

3. There aren't very many (people) in the (street). 

4. The countryside looks very beautiful. 

5. It's very sunny at the beach. 

Making guesses (делая предположения): 

1. I think they look rather sad/ quite happy, etc. 

2. They seem a bit bored/tired to me, etc. 

3. It looks as if they're having fun/problems, etc. 

4. Something must be funny because (they're laughing). 

 5. I'm not sure, but I think it might be (in China/Thailand/Spain), because of (the buildings). 

6. I don't know what this is, but I guess it's a ... 

7. I suppose they could be (friends or sisters). 

8. He's probably a (famous person), because (everyone's looking at him). 

9. May be they're (lost). 

10. Perhaps they don't know which way to go. 

When you don't know the name of something 

(Когда вы не знаете, как что-либо называется):  

1. I don't know what this is called in English. 

2. It's like (подобно) (an apple). 

3. You put (dirty clothes) in it. 

4. You use it to (change TV channels).

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