The English Club

воскресенье, 23 декабря 2018 г.

Сообщение для учащихся 8 "а" - подготовка к Рождеству - от 23 декабря 2018 года

Сообщение для учащихся 8 "а"  -

 подготовка к Рождеству от 23 декабря 2018 года: 

Сценарий выступления

Script “Scottish Christmas and New Year

Presenter 1:
-         Yes, wonders do exist! There are really many wonderful countries with unique history, scenery and traditions!
-         Presenter 2:
-          And today you will get to know one of them. It is Scotland! When we say “Scotland”, everyone thinks of its beautiful Highlands, lakes or “lochs” as they call them.
-         Presenter 1:
-         Yes, and we associate Scotland with their famous “kilts” and tartan cloth.
-         Presenter 2:
-         And what is the “kilt”?
-         Presenter 1: The  kilt is a knee-length garment with pleats at the rear. It originated in the traditional dress of men and boys in the Scottish Highlands of the 16th century. It is most often made of woolen cloth in a tartan pattern. By the way, it has become an item of fashionable informal male clothing in recent years.
-         Presenter 2
-         So, we can meet a man in a kilt in any Scottish town daily. Well, I’m sure wearing a kilt is not the only unique tradition of Scotland.
-         Presenter 1 No, it is not.
-         Everybody knows that the best way to learn about a country’s culture and its people’s way of life you should live in a host family for a while to get to know the country’s soul from the inside. And we suggest you meet a Scottish family today.
-         David: Hello, everybody! We are a Scottish family. Let us introduce ourselves! Hello, all of you! My name is David McKinley. I am the father of the family. On behalf of my dearest people, on behalf of my country let me greet you and introduce my family to you.
-          Scotland! 
-         A land of castles,
-         A land of lakes,
-         A land of wide open space,
-          Our land can be honored a lot!
-         I am proud of being a Scott!
-         And here is my wife Mary McKinley, a nice woman.
-         Mary McKinley Hello, dear friends! My name is Mary McKinley.
-         Despite of the fact that I am quite pretty,
-         I am also kind and really witty!
-         Love my country a lot –
-         Its mysterious legends
-         With original plots!
-         And here are our children – Jenny, Alan and Nancy.
-         Jenny :
-          Hello!
-          I am Jenny McKinley.
-         Still a little bit small,
-         I love playing and singing
-          And my mother and all!
-         I attend a nursery school
-         Which is good and honestly cool!
Alan: Hello!
I am Alan McKinley. I am a Scottish schoolboy.
I am bouncy, full of cheer,
Very helpful and always near.
Though singing is not my teacup,
I am able some tunes to pick up!
And now meet my elder daughter Nancy!
She is able new things to learn and to fancy!
Her love for studies grows on and on,
Let’s sing  a traditional  Scottish song

Bananas Are the Best

Children's Song

Banana, banana, bananas are the best
A nice squishy middle in a big yella vest
Today or manyana, ah'll be sayin 'Can ah,
Can ah have a ba-na-na?

What am ah goin to have for ma tea? Banana!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? Banana!
What's ma Sunday dinner goin to be? Banana!
Can ah have a ba-na-na?


Fifty million monkeys can't be wrong - banana!
From totie wans tae Old King Kong - banana!
They all love to sing this song - banana!
'Can ah have a ba-na-na?'


It's perfect with ice cream - banana!
It's a banana dream - banana!
We're all going to SCREAM - banana!
Can ah have a ba-na-na?

David: Well done, children!  Now I’d like to introduce my cousin
James McAlison.
-         He is young and strong,
-         He can play active games for long!!
-         He has practiced first footing a lot,
-         James is really a true Scott!

-         Presenter 3: And what is first footing? On Hogmanay – a Scottish New Year?

-         Presenter 4: “First-footer is the first person to set foot inside your home on New Year’s Day. It can be a friend, relative, neighbour or even a family member BUT that person cannot be INSIDE the house when the clock strikes midnight.

-         Presenter 1: How very interesting! Can a brother be the first-footer?

-         Presenter 4: Yes, he can! But he needs to be outside your house before midnight and can onle re-enter after the clock has struck midnight!

-         David: Yes, sometimes several people are chosen first-footers for a particular street/village and they go from house to house bringing good luck to its inha bitants as well as gifts!

-         Presenter 4: Traditionally, first-footers would carry a lump of coal, some salt, black bun (which is a fruit cake), shortbread (a pancake) and a golden coin!

-         James:

I always take a piece of coal
     to bring some warmth into each home!
    I bring a piece of bread or bun
    To feed all people of the farm!
    A coin of gold I also bring
    For all of them to feel supreme!

Presenter 2: I hear that the first-footer should be a dark-haired man!
Presenter 4: That is really so! This is considered lucky and a good omen for the coming year!
DavidThat’s why James is always a perfect first-footer!
            Let’s sing a cheerful kids’ song !

All the presenters and the members of the family: OK! Let’s!

Clap your hands with New Year’s cheer,
New Year’s cheer, New Year’s cheer
Clap your hands with New Year’s cheer;
It comes around just once a year!

Wave your arms with New Year’s cheer,
New Year’s cheer, New Year’s cheer
Wave your hands with New Year’s cheer;
It comes around just once a year!

Tap your toes with New Year cheer,
New Year’s cheer, New Year’s cheer
Tap your hands with New Year’s cheer;
It comes around just once a year!

Shout “Hurray!” with New Year’s cheer,
New Year’s cheer, New Year’s cheer
Shout “Hurray!” with New Year’s cheer;
It comes around just once a year!

All together: Hurrey! 

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