The English Club

вторник, 27 февраля 2018 г.

Сообщение для учащихся 7-х и 8 класса "Б" от 28 февраля 2018 года

Сообщение для учащихся 7-х классов и 8 "Б" класса от 28 февраля 2018 года:  

Уважаемые семиклассники и восьмиклассники! 

Настоятельно прошу вас высылать выполненные задания до 20.00 следующего дня на почту:, в случае невыполнения назначенного в электронном журнале и блоге Синьковой А.В. задания, вам будет выставлена отметка "2" за урок, на котором оно было задано. 

 С уважением, ваш учитель Синькова А.В.

понедельник, 26 февраля 2018 г.

Задание для учащихся 7-х классов от 27 февраля 2018 года

Задание для учащихся 7-х классов от 27 февраля 2017 года:  

Дорогие ученики! 

Прочитайте информацию о пассивном залоге на странице "Грамматика для всех" и выполните следующее упражнение в тетрадях для письменных работ. 

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глагол в Present Simple Passive. 

1. Bread ( to eat) every day. 

2. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 

3. Hockey (to play) in winter. 

4. Coffee (to grow) in Brazil. 

5. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 

6. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets. 

7. I (to invite) to the cinema every week. 

8. Dogs (to love) in many families.

9. Tea (to drink) in all the countries. 

10. Computers and other devices (to use) by lots of people.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобкиИспользуйте Past Simple Passive.

1. The letter (to receive) yesterday.

2. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday.

3. I (to give) a very interesting book last Friday.

4. This text (to translate) at the last lesson.

5. We (to invite) to the concert last Saturday.

6. My question (to answer) yesterday.

7. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London.

8. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

9. The nuts (to eat) yesterday.

10. The game (to win) by our team last Sunday.

среда, 14 февраля 2018 г.

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 8 "Б" класса группы Синьковой А.В. по теме " Преимущества использования компьютера и интернета".

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 8 класса "Б" по теме "Преимущества использования компьютера и интернета" :

Task: Give a talk on computers and the Inernet. 

Remember to say:  

 - how often you use a computer and other smart gadgets and what for;  

 - what advantages a computer gives to a computer user; 

 - if there are any disadvantages of using a computer and the Internet.   

  I'd like to give a talk on the role of computers and the Internet in people's lives. It's not a secret that everybody uses a computer , a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone daily. As for me, I also have a computer which I use for two hours a week, a tablet and a smartphone. I use my smartphone for text messaging and calling my friends and relatives and for calling my dearest and nearest. I sometimes search for information with the help of my smartphone. 

  As for using a computer, this certainly gives a number of advantages to a user. Firstly, computers allow people across the globe to communicate with each other, no matter at what time, via the use of email. Secondly, users can find any  information they need on the Internet, they don't have to go to a library and look through a lot of books. Moreover, the advantages of having a computer include: going online, typing documents, finding information, playing games, online shopping, watching films and lots more than just that. 

   However, there are some disadvantages of using a computer. One of them is that people sometimes spend all their time separated in their rooms on the computer. Another disadvantage is that a computer allows the old way of learning (for example: handwriting) to be forgotten. The disadvantages also include Spam, Identity theft, Viruses that just take all your data from your computer, and sometimes just shut it off completely. Besides, there is a possibility of spoiling your eyesight and fingers.

 In conclusion, I'd like to say that using a computer has both advantages and disadvantages. You just have to use it reasonably. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

Задание для учащихся 8 класса "Б" группы Синьковой А.В.

Задание для учащихся 8 "Б" класса группы Синьковой А.В. от 14 февраля 2018 года:  

1) Прочитать текст "Computers" и ответить на вопросы.  

2) Подготовить устное высказывание на тему "Advantages a Computer Gives to a User". Смотрите образец в блоге.

вторник, 13 февраля 2018 г.

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов групп Елены Борисовны Умновой от 13 февраля 2018 года

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов групп Умновой Елены Борисовны 

от 13 февраля 2018 года: 

1) Учебник упр.№ 10 стр.15 составить письменный рассказ о своём любимом животном или животных по образцу (10 - 12 предложений). 

2) Выучить правило образования сравнительной и превосходной степени односложных и двусложных прилагательных (по записям в тетради). 

четверг, 8 февраля 2018 г.

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов групп Умновой Елены Борисовны от 9 февраля 2018 года

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов групп Умновой Елены Борисовны от 9 февраля 2018 года:  

1) Закончить рассказ о животном по картинке учителя в тетради. 

2) Учебник стр. 11 Упр.№ 4 выписать слова в словарик, составить свои предложения с новыми словами в тетради. 

3) Написать 3 предложения по образцу учебника в упр.№ 5 стр. 11 

Образец: I'd like to keep a cat as a pet. (Я хотел(а) бы держать кошку в качестве питомца.)

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов групп Умновой Елены Борисовны от 8 февраля 2018 года

Задание для учащихся 3-х классов 

групп Умновой Елены Борисовны от 8 февраля 2018 года

1) Учебник 2 часть Упр.№ 10 стр. 9 составить краткий пересказ текста "Why did she run away?" (6-10 предложений) и записать его. 

2) Упр.№ 12 стр.9 написать части лица и части тела в форме таблицы. 

3) Упр.№ 14 стр.9 выучить слова к диктанту.

вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

Экзаменационные темы для учащихся 7-х классов от 7 февраля 2018 года

Экзаменационные темы для учащихся 7-х классов от 7 февраля 2018 года:  

                                              Card 1.                                                                     

You are to give a talk on the importance of one's appearance for one's success in life.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say

 - what kinds of people mostly  attract you and why;   

 - how important is one's appearance for one's success in life;  

 - if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour.    

Card 2.  

You are to give a talk on LondonYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

- why London is one of the most fascinating capitals of the world; 

 -  what sights of London you can comment on;   

 - if you would like to visit London and what places.    

Card 3

You are to give a talk on your family and homeYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if you agree or disagree that one's place is one's home and family;    

 - if it is important to have a close family;   

 - how family can help to overcome difficulties.   

Card 4

You are to give a talk on English as a global languageYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - why English is a truly global language of the world;  

 - what you can do to improve your English;   

 - how you are planning to use English in the future.  

Card 5. 

You are to give a talk on friendsYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if it is better to have one close friend or many friends;  

-  what traits of character you consider the most important in friends;  

- if it is possible to have friends in other cities or countries. 

Card 6

You are to give a talk on British holidaysYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if the UK is rich in holidays; 

 - what English holiday is your favourite, why;   

 - what traditions in the UK are similar to Russian. 

Card 7

You are to give a talk on cinema and theatreYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

 - what roles arts play in people's lives;   

 - what arts are the most popular nowadays;   

- which of arts you prefer. 

Card 8. 

You are to give a talk on RussiaYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

- what official information you can say about Russia;   

- how you can comment on the geographical position of Russia;  

 - what famous Russian people you know and what they are famous for. 

Card 9

You are to give a talk on MoscowYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - why Moscow is called "Moscow the beautiful"; 

 - what places you would like to visit in Moscow;   

- if you would like to move to Moscow one day, why. 

Card 10. 

You are to give a talk on Russian citiesYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - what major cities of Russia you know;  

- what these cities are famous for;  

 - what interesting places in Russian cities you would like to visit and why. 

Card 11

You are to give a talk on your favourite holidayYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - what holidays are Russian public holidays;  

 - which of the holidays are typically Russian;

 - what holiday your family like to celebrate and why. 

Card 12

You are to give a talk on your native townYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

  - what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous for;   

 - what yu know about the history of your town; 

- what your favourite place in the town is and why. 

Card 13. 

You are to give a talk on your schoolYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:     

- what your typical school day is like;  

- what your favourite subject is, why;  

- what you like most about your school.  

Card 14. 

You are to give a talk on the Olympic Games and sportsYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:     

 - what you know about the history of the Olympic Games; 

 - what role sport plays in people's lives; 

 - what your advice to stay healthy and keep fit is. 

Card 15

You are to give a talk on books and readingYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

   - what facts from the history of books you can remember; 

   - if a good book is the best friend today and forever;  

   - which you prefer: paperbacks or electronic books, why. 

пятница, 2 февраля 2018 г.

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 7-х классов по теме "Внешность и успех в жизни" от 3 февраля 2018 года

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 7-х классов по теме "Внешность и успех в жизни" от 3 февраля 2018 года

 Card № 7  

You are to give a talk on the importance of one's appearance for one's success in life. You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14 - 20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

 - what kinds of people mostly attract you and why;  (какого рода люди привлекают вас и почему); 

 - how important is one's appearance for one's success in life;(насколько важна внешность для успеха в жизни);  

 -  if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour; (достаточно ли вы терпимы к людям, чьи вкусы, внешность и поведение отличаются от ваших).   

      I'd like to give a talk about the importance of one's appearance and personality for one's success in life. Among my classmates and friends there are people of various kinds. Some of them are kind, generous and reliable, the others are nasty, greedy or ill-mannered. 

    I personally make friends with the boys and girls who are reliable as such people are always helpful, I mean they help you in any difficult situation, they give you good advice or share something with you. Besides, people with a nice sense of humour attract me most of all. For example, my friend ..... is always cheerful and energetic. He (she) always helps me do my maths problems and shares his(her) opinions with me. 

    As for one's appearance and its importance for one's success in life, I must say that it depends. Some people are really very attractive. If they are going to be actors or actresses, TV-hosts or TV-hostesses, their appearance will help them greatly to achieve success. But there are many people with ordinary appearance. They are also very successful as they are hard-working and well-disciplined, well-mannered and well-educated. They set goals daily and weekly, monthly and yearly, they make "to-do lists". So, to become a better person I must understand that my time is limited. There is a good proverb, "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today."Besides, I think it is really important to read a lot of good books, see good films and study famous personalities' biographies. 

    I know that I must take care of myself, eat healthy food and do exercises. I must learn to manage my time. And, finally, I must meet as many new people as possible, as everyone who comes into our life has something to teach us. Also, I must give generously and share what I have.