The English Club

вторник, 6 февраля 2018 г.

Экзаменационные темы для учащихся 7-х классов от 7 февраля 2018 года

Экзаменационные темы для учащихся 7-х классов от 7 февраля 2018 года:  

                                              Card 1.                                                                     

You are to give a talk on the importance of one's appearance for one's success in life.  You should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say

 - what kinds of people mostly  attract you and why;   

 - how important is one's appearance for one's success in life;  

 - if you are tolerant enough to people who are not like you in tastes, appearance and behaviour.    

Card 2.  

You are to give a talk on LondonYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

- why London is one of the most fascinating capitals of the world; 

 -  what sights of London you can comment on;   

 - if you would like to visit London and what places.    

Card 3

You are to give a talk on your family and homeYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if you agree or disagree that one's place is one's home and family;    

 - if it is important to have a close family;   

 - how family can help to overcome difficulties.   

Card 4

You are to give a talk on English as a global languageYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - why English is a truly global language of the world;  

 - what you can do to improve your English;   

 - how you are planning to use English in the future.  

Card 5. 

You are to give a talk on friendsYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if it is better to have one close friend or many friends;  

-  what traits of character you consider the most important in friends;  

- if it is possible to have friends in other cities or countries. 

Card 6

You are to give a talk on British holidaysYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - if the UK is rich in holidays; 

 - what English holiday is your favourite, why;   

 - what traditions in the UK are similar to Russian. 

Card 7

You are to give a talk on cinema and theatreYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:  

 - what roles arts play in people's lives;   

 - what arts are the most popular nowadays;   

- which of arts you prefer. 

Card 8. 

You are to give a talk on RussiaYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

- what official information you can say about Russia;   

- how you can comment on the geographical position of Russia;  

 - what famous Russian people you know and what they are famous for. 

Card 9

You are to give a talk on MoscowYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - why Moscow is called "Moscow the beautiful"; 

 - what places you would like to visit in Moscow;   

- if you would like to move to Moscow one day, why. 

Card 10. 

You are to give a talk on Russian citiesYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - what major cities of Russia you know;  

- what these cities are famous for;  

 - what interesting places in Russian cities you would like to visit and why. 

Card 11

You are to give a talk on your favourite holidayYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

 - what holidays are Russian public holidays;  

 - which of the holidays are typically Russian;

 - what holiday your family like to celebrate and why. 

Card 12

You are to give a talk on your native townYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

  - what the name of the town you live in is and what it is famous for;   

 - what yu know about the history of your town; 

- what your favourite place in the town is and why. 

Card 13. 

You are to give a talk on your schoolYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:     

- what your typical school day is like;  

- what your favourite subject is, why;  

- what you like most about your school.  

Card 14. 

You are to give a talk on the Olympic Games and sportsYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:     

 - what you know about the history of the Olympic Games; 

 - what role sport plays in people's lives; 

 - what your advice to stay healthy and keep fit is. 

Card 15

You are to give a talk on books and readingYou should speak for not less than 1,5-2 minutes. You are to say 14-20 sentences. 

Remember to say:   

   - what facts from the history of books you can remember; 

   - if a good book is the best friend today and forever;  

   - which you prefer: paperbacks or electronic books, why. 

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