The English Club

вторник, 26 сентября 2017 г.

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 7-х классов по теме "мой любимый российский праздник" (My Favourite Russian Holiday) от 26 сентября 2017 года

Образец устного высказывания для учащихся 7-х классов 

по теме 

My Favourite Russian Holiday 

от 26 сентября 2017 года: 


       I'd like to give a talk on my favourite Russian holiday. It's surprising how many holidays Russian people celebrate. Some of them are celebrated all around the world, we say that they are common holidays. Among them are Christmas, Easter, New Year's Day. But there are those which are typically Russian. Among them are Russia Day, Maslenitsa, Victory Day, the Motherland Defender's Day.  

     As for our family, we enjoy New Year holiday most of all. I like to celebrate it because, firstly, it is my and all the others' day off. Russian people don't work on this day and they have a lot of spare time to prepare a holiday dinner and buy presents and special greeting cards for their dearest and nearest (their relatives and friends). Secondly, this holiday is a start of a ten day-period of vacations for both children and their parents. It means that families can spend their holidays together. Most families plan their New Year holidays beforehand. Nowadays people go travelling to some foreign country with a warmer climate as winter in Russia is rather cold. Besides, we are fond of visiting our relatives and friends. Moreover, we can devote our spare time to some interesting and exciting hobby or sport. I want to add that children look forward to New Year holiday as they expect Father Frost to give them nice presents which are commonly placed under the New Year Tree decorated with toys and candles. The festive spirit of New Year fills everybody's heart and makes people think of both the way they have passed and the future that is coming. People often make their New Year Resolutions (promises to give up some bad habit or to start some new habit).  

    I am sure holidays are an important part of Russian people's life as they help them get together and keep their national traditions alive. 

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

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