The English Club

суббота, 9 сентября 2017 г.

Задание для учащихся 7-х классов по курсу "Зарубежная литература" от 9 сентября 2017 года

Задание для учащихся 7-х классов 

по курсу "Зарубежная литература" от 9 сентября 2017 года:

 1) Прочитать Part I (I)  - 2 страницы романа Ivanhoe в блоге на странице "Зарубежная литература 7 класс", выписать имена персонажей, незнакомые слова, уметь ответить на вопросы учителя по содержанию этой части романа. 

2) Выучить значение слов: founder, poetry, anecdote, receive = get, inspire, inspiration, take a special interest in somebody, influence = affect, scholarly = learned, impose, piety, elevate, censure, contribute, contribution, baronetcy.

3) Пересказать биографию Вальтера Скотта (Sir Walter Scott Biograhy). Подготовиться к тесту по биографии писателя.  

Sir Walter Scott Biograhy  

    Walter Scott was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, August 15, 1771. His father was a farmer and his mother, Anne Rutherford, was the daughter of Dr. John Rutherford, who was one of the founders of the medical school of Edinburgh. Mrs. Scott was fond of poetry and anecdotes and it was from her that Walter received inspiration. 

    Walter was one of ten children. He spent much time with his grandparents, but it was "Aunt Jenny" who took a special interest in him and influenced him to write. His visits to an uncle, Dr. Rutherford, professor of botany at the University of Edinburgh, brought him into contact with scholarly people. 

    His parents were very religious and imposed strict piety on their children. Walter was never very deeply affected religiously, however. His works, which contain much about the church, neither elevate nor censure it, but rather depict it, for it was history and not philosophy that interested him most. His first novel was published anonymously. Although he published some biographies of famous writers, as well as poems and novels, his main contribution was to Romanticism and the historical novel. 

    He suffered  from many physical diseases. Scott became seriously ill before Ivanhoe was finished and dictated much of it from his sickbed. 

   His popularity, both socially and as a writer, was almost unparalleled. He was married in 1797 to Margaret Charlotte Carpenter, who bore him three sons and two daughters. Scott received his title and baronetcy from King George IV in the spring of 1820. He died, Sir Walter Scott, in 1832. 

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