The English Club

среда, 3 мая 2017 г.

Образец устного высказывания по билету № 6 "США. Политическое устройство" для учащихся 6-х классов от 3 мая 2017 года

Образец устного высказывания по билету №6 

"США. Политическое устройство" для учащихся 6-х классов 

от 3 мая 2017 года     

Card № 6    

You are to give a talk about the USA. 

Remember to say:  

  - what the highest law of the country is;   

 -   what the political system of the USA is like;  

  -  who the head of the state in the USA is.   

    I'd like to give a talk about the political system of the USA. The USA is a federal union of fifty states. The highest law of the country is the Constitution. It was adopted in Philadelphia in 1787. The Constitution describes the powers of the national government and the powers of the state governments. 

    The US government is like a tree with a strong trunk and three branches. The trunk is the people. It holds up the tree. People choose the men who make American laws. The first branch on the tree of government is the Congress. The Congress is a meeting of representatives from all states. The people elect those representatives. The Congress makes the laws that everybody must obey. 

    The Congress is divided into two parts, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Every state sends two people to the Senate. These people are senators. There are 100 senators in the Senate. A senator's term is 6 years. Each state also sends people to the House of Representatives. They are called congressmen or congresswomen. All in all there are 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives. A representative's term is two years. One important power of the Congress is the power to declare war. The second branch of government in the US is the President and its helpers. They carry out the laws that the Congress makes. The President signs bills and then they become laws. The President's term is 4 years, and one can be President for one or two terms. Americans vote for the president in November of every leap year.  

The third branch of government is the Supreme Court. There are 9 judges in it. They have to make surethat the President and the Congress follow the Constitution. The judges work in the Supreme court as long as they live. 

The people of the USA can change the Constitution. Changes in the Constitution are called amendments. There are 27 amendments to the Constitution. The first 10 amendments to the Constitution are called the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights guarantees to people of the USA freedom of press, freedom of religion, the right to go to court, have a lawyer, and some others. 

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

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