The English Club

понедельник, 15 мая 2017 г.

Образец устного высказывания "Сравнение английских и русских кинотеатров" для учащихся 4-х классов от 15 мая 2017 года

Образец устного высказывания 

"Сравнение английских и русских кинотеатров" 

для учащихся 4-х классов от 15 мая 2017 года   

I'd like to tell you about English and Russian cinemas. There are some differences between them. The first one is that when you go to the cinema in England, you usually see a feature film and a documentary. But if you go to the cinema in Russia, you usually see only a feature film. The second difference is that there are no intervals between programmes in some cinemas in England, and sometimes people can stay there as long as they like. Finally, in England many people are still fond of going to the cinema. They like to see comedies, musicals, detective films, historical films, cartoons and love stories. 

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