The English Club

понедельник, 22 мая 2017 г.

Образец устного высказывания по билету № 11 "Моя семья" для учащихся 6-х классов от 23 мая 2017 года

Образец устного высказывания

по билету №11 "Моя семья" для учащихся 6-х классов

 от 23 мая 2017 года

 Card № 11 

Give a talk about your family

Remember to say:

  -   what you can tell about your family, how big it is; 

  - what you like doing together;  

 - if you have got any family traditions.

   I'd like to give a talk about my family. Our family is not large. There are five of us. I've got a mother, a father and a sister. Besides, my grandmother (my mother's mother) lives with us. My granny's name is .... .... .She is the oldest member of our family. She is about  sixty but she looks much younger. She is fond of gardening. When she was younger, she worked as a History teacher. My granny often helps me with my homework. My mother's name is .... . She is about 40 but she also looks much younger. My mum is tall and very beautiful. She works as a fitness instructor. Besides, she is fond of travelling. My father's name is  ..... .... . He is a process engineer at one of Kemerovo plants. My dad is also tall. He is a sporty person. He is fond of hiking, climbing and whitewater rafting. When he is on holiday, he always goes whitewater rafting on the Katun river. My sister's name is ...... .She is four years older than I am. She is a high school student. she is very good at languages. Besides, she is fond of singing and dancing. 

   As for me, I am a student now. I am a sixth former. I am fond of sports. My   favourite kind of sport is swimming. I go to the swimming pool twice a week. 

   It's worth saying we are a friendly family. We like going shopping together. We always plan our shopping beforehand.  We've got our family traditions. One of them is celebrating public and family holidays together. My favourite holiday is New Year. My granny and mum always prepare a tasty holiday dinner. My dad brings a beautiful New Year tree and we all decorate it on the 30th of December.Another tradition is going travelling in summer. We have already visited some countries. We have been to Turkey, Thailand and Vietnam. I am proud of my family.

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

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