The English Club

пятница, 25 ноября 2016 г.

Вводный тест "Великобритания. Лондон" для учащихся 6-х классов

Вводный тест "Великобритания. Лондон" для учащихся 6-х классов:                                                 Great Britain. London 

  Westminster Abbey   

Task: Choose the correct answer.  

1. The Union Jack is .... 

a. the flag of Scotland         b. the flag of England   

 c. the flag of the UK            d. the flag of Wales   

 2. The head of state in Britain is ...

a. the President        b. the Speaker       c. the Queen        d. the Prime Minister  

3. Britain's population is more than ... million people.

a. 5,6            b. 560                       c. 7                        d.  56 

4. Great Britain is separated from the continent by .... . 

 a. the Atlantic Ocean                      b. the Indian Ocean  

 c. the Bristol Channel                   d. the English Channel  

5.  Sir Christopher Wren built .... .  

a. Westminster Abbey           b. the Tower of London     

c. St. Paul's Cathedral          d. Buckingham Palace    

6. Westminster is the ... centre of London.   

a. business                     b. industrial          c. cultural.           d.  political  

7. The West End is a district of London where you can ... a lot. 

a.  go shopping    b. see Big Ben       c. go to the bank      d. work in a workshop 

8.  There are many factories in ....... 

a.   the City of London               b. in the East End        

 c. in the West End                      d. in Westminster   

9. The official name of Great Britain is .... 

a. the Commonwealth                           

 b. the Republic of Ireland and England 

c.  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  

d. England   

10. the United Kingdom consists of .... parts.   

a. 3               b. 5                           c. 4        d. 2 

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