The English Club

вторник, 8 ноября 2016 г.

Образец устного высказывания по теме "Проблемы окружающей среды. Загрязнение воздуха" для учащихся 6-х классов.

Образец устного высказывания по теме

 "Проблемы окружающей среды. Загрязнение воздуха" 

для учащихся 6-х классов.  

Air Pollution 

 I'd like to tell you about air pollution (I'd like to give a talk on air pollution). I can say that the air in big cities is rather dirty nowadays.  As a result, it's difficult to breathe. People suffer from lack of oxygen. It happens so because of people's wrong activities. 

Firstly, people don't care about their environment and build plants and factories which pollute the air. Factories burn their waste and throw away harmful chemicals. Secondly, people cut down trees and destroy the natural balance between plants, animals, people and their environment. Besides, people use a lot of cars which work on petrol and poison the atmosphere. 

To solve this problem people should take some steps. I think governments of all countries should make laws to ban building plants and factories without good filters. I'm sure every person should follow a set of rules to take care of the environment. One of them should be using electric cars. Besides, people shoudn't use harmful chemicals daily. Moreover, they should stop cutting down rainforests. We also need to install (set up) filters at nuclear power stations, at factories and plants and also in cars and buses. That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening. 

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