The English Club

пятница, 13 мая 2016 г.

Примерное высказывание по билету № 17 "Британские виды спорта и игры" для учащихся 5-х классов

Примерное высказывание по билету № 17

 "Британские виды спорта и игры" 

для учащихся 5-х классов  

Card 17  

Give a talk on popular British sports and games.

 Remeber to say:   

 - what sports and games are popular in Britain  

- what game was invented in England   

- what summer sport is sometimes called the English national game    

I'd like to give a talk on popular British sports and games. Well, the British people like sports and games very much. Such sports as athletics, climbing, horse riding, boating and rowing are popular in Britain. They play different games. They are: football, cricket, tennis, golf, hockey and rugby.  Britain invented many sports and games. Football is one of them. The national teams of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. There are many football clubs all over Britain.  

There is another popular sport. It is cricket. It is called the English national game. Cricket was invented many years ago in 1550. It is a summer game. Teams play weekly games from late April to the end of September. Cricket is a very long game. Internatinal cricket matches can last for 5 days. 

Tennis is another popular game in Britain. In June the British hold their famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon, in west London.  

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

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