The English Club

понедельник, 25 апреля 2016 г.

Пример устного высказывания по билету № 2 "Моя семья" для учащихся 5-х классов

Пример устного высказывания

 по билету № 2

 "Give a talk on your family." 

Remember to say:  

- who is in your family and what they do 

 - what things you like to do together

 - if you have any problems with your parents  

     I'd like to give a talk on my family. Our family is not large. There are four of us. We are my mother, my father, my brother and me. My mom's name is Natasha. She is a nice woman. She is tall and fair-haired. She works as an accountant. I think she is hard-working. My dad's name is Andrei. My dad is a turner. He likes his work very much. My brother's name is Mitya. He is a little boy. He doesn't go to school yet. We have got a pet. It's a dog. Its name is Cherry. It is a funny clever dog. It likes to run, jump, play games with us.  I think our family is very friendly. We like to do a lot of things together. When it's warm, we usually go on outings and enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery. We have a picnic in the open. In winter we have our family New Year party. We all do our best to please each other and give each other presents. My dad and I sometimes go to the cinema and watch a new film. Besides, we both like sports. My dad goes jogging and I often join him.  I think my parents and I are different people. We have different opinions on many problems. But we don't quarrel. We talk a lot and try to find the right way out of any situation. I'm sure my parents understand me. I hope they will help me if I need their help.  

That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for listening.

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