The English Club

среда, 10 февраля 2016 г.

Образцы описания куклы- мальчика или куклы-девочки для учащихся 3-х классов

Образцы описания кукол: 

1) This is my doll. His name is Jack. He is a big doll. He has got big blue eyes, little ears, a short neck and a big mouth. He has got white teeth and a pink tongue (тан (носовой "н") - язык. He's got a short nose. His hair is short and yellow. 

He's got two arms: this is his right arm and this is his left arm. He's got five fingers on his right hand and five fingers on his left hand. He's got long legs, little feet and ten little toes: five toes on his right foot and five toes on his left foot. Jack is very clever. He can do many things: with his mouth he can eat tasty things; with his legs and feet he walks (уокс - ходит); with his tongue and lips  (липс - губы) he talks (токс - говорит). And with his ears he can hear me. I think my Jack doll is really very clever.

2) Описание куклы- девочки: 

This is my doll. Her name is Helen. She is a big doll. She has got big brown eyes (айз - глаза), little ears (иэз - уши), a short neck and a little red mouth (маус - "с" межзубный - рот). Her hair (хэа - волосы) is long and brown. She's got two arms (амз - руки по всей длине) and two little hands (хэндз - кисти рук). This (зис - "з" - межзубный) is her right (райт  "р - на бугорках - правая) arm and this is her left arm. She's got ten fingers (фингэз - "н" носовой - пальцы на руках): five on her right hand and five on her left hand. Her fingers are long. She's got long legs, little feet and ten little toes(тэуз - пальцы на ногах): five on her right foot and five on her left foot. 

My doll is very nice. She can do many things: with (уиз - с помощью) her mouth she can eat tasty things (с помощью рта она может есть вкусные вещи); with her legs and feet she walks (уолкс - ходит); with her tongue (тан - "н" -носовой - язык) and lips (липс - губы) she talks (токс - разговаривает). And with her ears (иэз - уши) she can hear (хиэ - слышать) me. 

I think (синк -"с" - межзубный, "н" - носовой - считаю, думаю) my doll is very nice and clever. I love my doll. 

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