The English Club

среда, 5 ноября 2014 г.

Как задать вопрос с конструкцией there is / there are.

Как задать вопрос с конструкцией there is / there are? 

Чтобы построить вопросительное предложение, необходимо изменить порядок слов в конструкции:

Было: There is a car in the street.

В вопросе будет: Is there a car in the street?

Ответ: Yes, there is one. / No, there isn't any.

Для множественного числа: There are twelve students in the room.

В вопросе будет: Are there any students in the room?

Ответ: Yes, there are some. / No, there aren't any.

And now let's practise questions!

The task is: Place Is there / Are there to form a question.

1. ... .... 12 months in a year?

 2.  ... .... a supermarket in the city?

3.  ... .... a horse in the garden?

4.  ... ... flowers in the park?

5. ... .... a bus at 12.00?

6. ... ... a bicycle in the street?

7. ... ... clouds in the sky?

 8.  ... ... pupils in the school?

Now look at the answers:

1. Are there 12 months in a year?

2. Is there a supermarket in the city?

3. Is there a horse in the garden?

 4. Are there flowers in the park?

5. Is there a a bus at 12.00?

6. Is there a bicycle in the street?

7.  Are there clouds in the sky?

8. Are there pupils in the school? 

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