The English Club

вторник, 4 ноября 2014 г.

Dear students! Get more proficient completing the texts.Skateboarding

Dear students! 

Get more proficient!

Complete the text using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.



   Skateboarding is a land alternative to surfing. It (1) ________ (develop) in California in the 1960s and (2) ________ (become) a craze in the 70s. 

Skateboarding (3) ________ (enjoy) a revival since the late 1980s when teenagers started to form communities of skateboarders with their own values, beliefs and special activities such as skateboarding shows. Since then it (4) _______ (become) an extreme sport rather than a hobby, because now 

skateboarders (5) ________ (practice) ramp and rail skateboarding. 

New words: 
1. ramp  -  наклонная плоскость, пандус 
2. rail - перила 

Now look at the key answers: 
1. was developed 
2. became 
3. has enjoyed 
4. has become 
5. practice(se) 

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