Вопросы к темам для учащихся, сдающих экзамен повторно.
Вопросы к темам для сдающих экзамен повторно.
Topic # 1
1. The world of professions is enormous and various, isn't it? What do you think are the most important jobs?
2. What prospects can jobs offer?
3. Jobs can be attractive and not attractive. Give examples of both.
4. Who can influence your choice of a future career? What jobs attract you personally? Why?
5.The only reason to take a job is to earn money. Do you agree? Prove your idea.
Topic # 2
1. Choosing a career isn't easy, is it? Express your opinion.
2. What career would youlike to choose? Why?
3. Who can influence your choice of a future career? Why?
Topic # 3
1. What traits of character do different jobs require? Name some popular occupations.
2. Wherecan youget a special training for a future job?
3. What are the most prestigious occupationsnowadays? What qualities make them such?
4. Are you creative, accurate and diligent enough to choose a well-paid, respected job? Explain your choice ofa future occupation.
Topic # 4
1. People say, the world of jobs and occupations is enormous. Do you agree?
2. What qualities can make jobs attractive? Name some popular occupations.
3. We live at the ageof science and technology.
What qualities are necessary to get a good job?Prove your point of view.
4. What prospects can different jobs offer?
Topic # 5
1. They say so many countries, so many customs. Do educational systems differ, too?
2. What types of school do children go to nowadays? (Mention both countries)
3. What subjects do children learn in nursery schools in Britain and in Russia? Is there any difference in the curriculum?
4. Can you describe the secondary education in Britain and in Russia? Is it compulsory in both countries? What subjects are taught there?
5. What is the schooling age in different countries? What are the types of schools? Do they take children according to their abilities? What choice of subjects do they offer?
Topic # 6
1. What school can serve an educational model to your mind?
2. Choose the most important features of a good school.
3. What is the choice of subjects your school teach?
4. Is teaching here up-to-date and comprehensive?
5. What features can your school boast of?
6. What education does your school provide?
7. What extra-curricular activities should a modern school provide?
8. Can you describe the ideal school discipline and atmosphere?
Topic # 7
1. What school do you study in? Is it a big school? Is it state or independent? Does anybody pay fee for your education?
2. Choose some important features to characterize your school (building, equipment, education).Are you proud of the school you study in?
3. What core subjects and options are taught there? Does your school specialize in certain subjects?
Topic # 8
1. So many people, so many opinions. Wearing a school uniform is really a point of discussion, isn't it?
2. Some people say wearing a school uniform disciplines and makes pupils concentrated and well-organized. What's your opinion?
3. The others disagree. They think wearing a uniform prevents from expressing the individuality. Can you prove it?
Topic # 9 (A) (Money)
1. They say, life in the modern world is unthinkable without money. What does money mean for people? What does money mean for you? (functions)
2. Why did money appear? What things were used as money equivalents? How long have people been using money? Very often people save money in the bank. Can you name some bank services? (Услуги банка)
Topic # 9 (B)
1. What do people spend money on?
2. How much pocket money have you got?
3. Some people strongly believe money makes happiness. Others say money is the roof of all evil. Which idea do you keep?
Topic # 10
1. They say shops are ideal places to spend your money. What's your opinion? Bring arguments.
2. Who goes shopping in your family? How often do you do the shopping? What kinds of shops do you visit?
3. To do the shopping isn't easy, is it? Did you choose a big shopping centre or a small corner shop for your last shopping day?
Topic # 11
1. What types of shops can one find in a city? What goods do they sell? What services are available at a big department store?
2. Why do people of different age groups go to different kinds of shops?
3. What types of shops do you and your family go to? What services do you prefer and why?
Topic # 12
1. Why does the world of fashion attract people of different age groups?
2. What jobs and occupations are in great demand in the world of fashion? Is it really prestigious to be a fashion designer and a model nowadays? Why?
3. Do you attend or watch fashion shows on TV? What makes people buy new and fashionable clothes? Is it important for you to look stylish? Why?
Topic # 13
1. Science plays a great role in the life of society, doesn't it?
2. What branches of science can you name?
3. Which of the centuries, in your opinion, saw the greatest inventions and discoveries?
Topic # 14
1. What discoveries in the history of mankind do you regard as breakthroughs? 2. What inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as the most important?
3. Describe one of the greatest inventions.
Topic # 15
1. What is virtual reality?
2. What does virtual reality allow users to do?
3. What in virtual technologies may turn out to be dangerous?
Topic # 16
1. What are the global problems scientific minds are working at?
2. Why is it important to use alternative sources of energy?
3. Should space exploration be paid special attention to? Why?
Topic # 17
1. What kinds of trip do people enjoy nowadays?
2. What countries do they visit? '
3. What baggage do they take?
4. What is the traveler's code of conduct?
Topic # 18
1. Canada is in many ways like Russia, isn't it?
2. What makes our countries alike?
3. How are Canada and Russia different?
Topic # 19
1. What is "the mass media"?
2. What sources of information do people prefer nowadays?
3. Which of the ways of getting information do you use daily? Why?
Topic # 20
1. What kind of information can one find in a paper?
2. What is the difference between British quality papers and tabloids? Can you name some of them?
3. In what way do British quality papers differ from most Russian papers?
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