The English Club

вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 14 The History of Mankind Is Full of Wonderful Discoveries. Can You Describe Any? What Inventions Have Greatly Contributed to the Progress of Science and Technology?

Topic # 14 The History of Mankind Is Full of Wonderful Discoveries. Can You Describe Any? What Inventions Have Greatly Contributed to the Progress of Science and Technology? 

Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press. 

John Logie Baird invented the first practical Television.


    Well, mankind wouldn't have progressed if a number of wonderful discoveries and inventions   hadn't been made by real geniuses. One of such discoveries was made by Albert Einstein, perhaps the most famous scientist in history. Einstein formulated the theory of general relativity. Alexander Fleming discovered the fungus responsible for the production of penicillin, Penicillium notatum. Dmitri Mendeleev created a comprehensive periodic table of elements. Isaac Newton discovered and formulated the laws of gravity and the three laws of motion.  Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the X-ray, and thus is considered the father of diagnostic radiology.

  As for the greatest inventions, you can hardly say which one was  the most important of  all, as each of them have greatly contributed to the progress of mankind. I'd like to mention some of such. One of the greatest inventions was, of course, the invention of the wheel. It allowed people to travel faster.  One of the greatest inventors was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the first practical telephone following his work on elocution and deafness. Galileo Galilei invented the telescope and the military compass. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This invention is regarded as one of the most important in human history. With the printing press books became much cheaper and more available, it was a huge step in the spread of information.  John Logie Baird invented the first practical Television. Mankind should thank several inventors for electricity. They were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Alexander Graham Bell.  

The era between 1901-2000, better known as the 20th century, witnessed the birth of some remarkable creations. They were the invention of the radio, the invention of the airplane, the invention of the television, the computer, and the cell phone. The computer is the greatest, incomparable invention belonging to the 20th century. The Internet is also one of the most useful inventions of the 20th century. Today, computers are used in nearly all fields like education, defense, robotics, banking, telecommunication and others. The invention of cell phones, also called mobile phones, in 1977, made communication easier, quicker and more comfortable. Today, cell phones also perform functions of computers, music players, camera, video recorders and televisions. Cell phones have replaced telephones or other traditional means of communication.  

New Words: 

 1. genuis - гений

2.the theory of general relativity - теория относительности

3. the law of gravity  - закон всемирного тяготения

4.  diagnostic radiology - диагностическая рентгенология

5. contribute - внести вклад

6. elocution - ораторское искусство, дикция

7. deafness - глухота

8. fungus -  грибок, плесень

9. available - доступный

 10. spread - распространение

11. witness - быть свидетелем

12. remarkable - замечательный

13.incomparable -  несравнимый

14. defense - оборона

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