The English Club

вторник, 29 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 17 What Kinds of Trips Do People Enjoy Nowadays? What Countries Do They Visit?

Denpasar hotel 


Travel Memories 

Topic # 17 What Kinds Of Trip Do People Enjoy Nowadays? What Countries Do They Visit? What Baggage Do They Take? What Is The Traveler's Code Of Conduct? 

Well, lots of people enjoy travelling. It's really interesting to see new places, small towns and great cities, exotic islands and cultural centres.  People travel to different parts of the world and use various means of transport, such as buses, trains, ships and airplanes. Besides, there are those who prefer hiking and backpacking. Most people travel for pleasure, some people travel on business. But there are those who work and travel or study and travel. Such people combine work and pleasure.

 We use different words to describe travel. A trip usually takes from one to three days. It can be made either to have some relaxation or to arrange some business. A journey is a long trip made by different means of transport. A voyage is a sea journey which takes quite a lot of time. And, besides, there is a cruise which is a pleasure trip on a ship involving visiting a series of places.

      It has become popular to visit developing countries and support local national parks, traditions and crafts. This kind of tourism is called sustainable tourism. This means you help the people of the country you are visiting develop their economy and  culture. Eco-tourism or ecological tourism is a part of sustainable tourism. Travellers try to support national parks and not to harm rare species' habitats. This kind of tourism helps educate the traveller, provides funds for conservation and fosters respect for different cultures and for human rights. "Take only memories and leave only footprints" is  a very common slogan in protected areas.        

          Nowadays people visit a wide range of countries starting with European countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany,  France, Austria, Belgium, Greece,  Spain and Italy and trying recently being exotic places, such as the Bahamas, Jamaica, Bali, African countries, Indonesia and Vietnam, China and Thailand.  Many people prefer to travel light and they don't take much luggage on a trip, just a small shoulder bag or a rucksack or a backpack. But there are those who take several suitcases with lots of things. I don't think it's practical.

          When you start getting ready for a trip you should think of a number of things beforehand. For example, you should acquaint yourself with the geography of the route and region of travel. Besides, you should arrange, if possible, to have only one piece of luggage to look after. If you go on a long journey and to tropical climates, it is important to have tropical clothes as part of your hand luggage. When travelling by air, wear loose, comfortable shoes that can be easily slipped on and off. The most suitable shoes for flying might well be sandals or flip-flops as you are required to take them off at the security checks. If you plan going camping or hiking, remember to bring maps that you can carry along with you. Research your destination on-line to find reviews of hotels, resorts and attractions before deciding on your travel  plans. Make sure to research the current status of social and political events in the country you'll be visiting. This will allow you to avoid dangerous situations.

         A responsible traveller should follow  the traveller's code of conduct that is a set of rules one should follow not to do any harm to the people and place he or she is visiting. One of the main rules is to respect the fragile earth - both land and sea. You shouldn't disturb animals, plants or their natural habitat. You shouldn't leave litter or graffiti. You should keep noise to an appropriate level.  You should respect local cultural  traditions and customs by dressing and acting in a polite way. You should always ask before photographing and video-recording people. You should learn a few basics in the local language - it will be appreciated. Try to reduce usage of natural resources, for example fresh water. You should support local economies - buy local produce. Be ready to tip - in some economies people rely on their tips. Support local craftsmen by buying handicrafts

New Words:
1. hiking - пеший поход
2. backpacking - поход с рюкзаком
3. trip - короткая поездка
4. arrange business  - организовать бизнес
5. journey - путешествие
6. voyage -  путешествие по морю
7. cruise - путешествие на корабле, включающее посещение нескольких стран
8.  crafts - ремёсла
9. sustainable tourism - щадящий туризм (способствующий поддержанию экономики, культуры и  экологического баланса страны)
10. economy - экономика
11. ecotourism - экологический туризм
12. habitat - ареал обитания
13. educate - образовывать
14. conservation - сохранение (ресурсов)
15. foster - воспитывать
16. memories - воспоминания
17. footprints - следы, отпечатки стоп
18. travel light - путешествовать без багажа
19. luggage - багаж
20. suitcase - чемодан
21. beforehand - заранее
22. acquiant with - познакомить(ся) с
23. loose - свободный. не тесный
24. flip-flops  - "вьетнамки"
25. security check - пункт контроля безопасности
26. research - исследовать, изучать
27. destination - пункт назначения, страна (цель путешествия)
28. review - обзор, отчёт, описание
29. avoid - избежать
30. responsible - ответственный  
31. follow the traveler's code of conduct - соблюдать  кодекс путешественника 
32. fragile - хрупкий
33. disturb - беспокоить
34. litter - мусорить
35.  appropriate - соответствующий
36. basics - основные слова и выражения
37. tip (s) - чаевые, давать чаевые
38. support  - поддерживать
39. craftsmen  - ремесленники
40. handicrafts - ручные изделия 

воскресенье, 27 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 16 Tell About Some of the Urgent Problems Scientific Minds are Working at.

Topic # 16 Tell About Some Of The Urgent Problems Scientific Minds Are Working At. 

solar panels

wind energy system 

using biomass energy 

    Well, nowadays mankind is facing various global problems. Some of them are ozone layer depletion and global warming, deforestation, desertification,  overpopulation and world famine, incurable diseases, species extinction, ice melting and shortage of fossil fuel resources. And , therefore, scientists are working at such problems as finding and using alternative sources of energy, learning how to save and conserve energy, creating highly effective systems of communication, recycling and reusing materials, creating new materials, finding the cure for incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, heart and vessels problems, drug addiction, cloning.  Besides, scientific minds are working hard at exploring the underwater world, studying the first humans and ancient civilizations, UFOs and the possibility of alien visits, the possibility of colonizing other planets. 

I'd like to speak about alternative sources of energy in detail.

Well, every day, the world produces carbon dioxide that is released to earth's atmosphere and which still be there  in one hundred years time.  

This increased content of Carbon Dioxide increases the warmth of our planet and is the main cause of the so called "Global Warming Effect". One answer to global warming is to replace and retrofit current technologies with alternatives that have comparable or better performance, but do not emit carbon dioxide. We call this Alternate energy.

By 2050, one-third of the world energy will need to come from solar, wind, and other renewable resources. Climate change, population growth, and the fossil fuel depletion mean that renewables will need to play a bigger role in the future than they do today. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to be "free" energy sources. These include Biomass Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy, Hydroelectric Energy sources. Combined with the use of recycling, the use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar power systems will help to ensure man's survival into the 21st century and beyond.  

New Words:

1.  ozone layer depletion  - истончение озонового слоя

2. deforestation - вырубка леса

3. desertification -  опустынивание

 4. overpopulation - перенаселение

5. world famine  - мировой голод

6. incurable diseases - неизличимые болезни

7.  species extinction - вымирание видов

8. ice melting - таяние ледников

9. shortage of fossil fuel resources  -  недостаток запасов ископаемых видов топлива

10. alternative sources of energy - альтернативные источники энергии

11. recycling and reusing materials - вторичная переработка и вторичное использование материалов

12. creating new materials - создание новых материалов

13. cure  - лекарство, средство излечения

14.  cancer  - рак

 15. AIDS - СПИД

16.  heart and vessels problems  - сердечно-сосудистые заболевания

 17. drug addiction - наркомания

18. cloning - клонирование

19.  UFO - НЛО

20.  alien - инопланетянин

21.  colonizing other planets - заселение других планет

22.  carbon dioxide  - углекислый газ

 23.  release to - выпускать в

24.  increased content  - повышенное содержание

25.  the main cause  - главная причина

 26.  replace - заменить

27. retrofit  - приспособить

28.  emit - выпускать

29. ensure  - обеспечить

30.  survival - выживание 

вторник, 22 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 14 The History of Mankind Is Full of Wonderful Discoveries. Can You Describe Any? What Inventions Have Greatly Contributed to the Progress of Science and Technology?

Topic # 14 The History of Mankind Is Full of Wonderful Discoveries. Can You Describe Any? What Inventions Have Greatly Contributed to the Progress of Science and Technology? 

Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press. 

John Logie Baird invented the first practical Television.


    Well, mankind wouldn't have progressed if a number of wonderful discoveries and inventions   hadn't been made by real geniuses. One of such discoveries was made by Albert Einstein, perhaps the most famous scientist in history. Einstein formulated the theory of general relativity. Alexander Fleming discovered the fungus responsible for the production of penicillin, Penicillium notatum. Dmitri Mendeleev created a comprehensive periodic table of elements. Isaac Newton discovered and formulated the laws of gravity and the three laws of motion.  Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the X-ray, and thus is considered the father of diagnostic radiology.

  As for the greatest inventions, you can hardly say which one was  the most important of  all, as each of them have greatly contributed to the progress of mankind. I'd like to mention some of such. One of the greatest inventions was, of course, the invention of the wheel. It allowed people to travel faster.  One of the greatest inventors was Alexander Graham Bell who invented the first practical telephone following his work on elocution and deafness. Galileo Galilei invented the telescope and the military compass. Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This invention is regarded as one of the most important in human history. With the printing press books became much cheaper and more available, it was a huge step in the spread of information.  John Logie Baird invented the first practical Television. Mankind should thank several inventors for electricity. They were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and Alexander Graham Bell.  

The era between 1901-2000, better known as the 20th century, witnessed the birth of some remarkable creations. They were the invention of the radio, the invention of the airplane, the invention of the television, the computer, and the cell phone. The computer is the greatest, incomparable invention belonging to the 20th century. The Internet is also one of the most useful inventions of the 20th century. Today, computers are used in nearly all fields like education, defense, robotics, banking, telecommunication and others. The invention of cell phones, also called mobile phones, in 1977, made communication easier, quicker and more comfortable. Today, cell phones also perform functions of computers, music players, camera, video recorders and televisions. Cell phones have replaced telephones or other traditional means of communication.  

New Words: 

 1. genuis - гений

2.the theory of general relativity - теория относительности

3. the law of gravity  - закон всемирного тяготения

4.  diagnostic radiology - диагностическая рентгенология

5. contribute - внести вклад

6. elocution - ораторское искусство, дикция

7. deafness - глухота

8. fungus -  грибок, плесень

9. available - доступный

 10. spread - распространение

11. witness - быть свидетелем

12. remarkable - замечательный

13.incomparable -  несравнимый

14. defense - оборона

воскресенье, 20 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 13 Our Age Is the Age of Science and Technology. Prove It.

Topic # 13 Our Age Is the Age of Science and Technology. Prove It. 

    Well, our age, I mean the period that started at the end of the 19th century and has still  been going on, is really the age of sensational discoveries and inventions. It is called "The age of science and technology". The first airplane, the cinema technology, the telephone and the first car were invented in the 19th century. Those inventions gradually changed many people's lives, made their way of life faster and more convenient. The way people get information and contact each other has been developing day by day and those who can't afford the latest machines and devices, gadgets and technologies suffer from lack of speed and information.

   The list of inventions is rather long. We are on-lookers of great scientific achievements, for example, television and the computer. Let's have a look at one of them - computer. A computer is an electronic device  that stores information and allows changes in it through the use of instructions. A modern computer is capable of doing various tasks, like word processing and accounting.

    A computer gives a lot of advantages to a user. Computers give us access to the Internet - an international computer network. You can save a lot of your free time surfing the Internet and get all sorts of information from it. You can enter the chat room with other Internet users and debate urgent problems on line. You can email your friends and colleagues. Based on the computer, there is the idea of developing the so-called "smart house" technology. Smart-house software has the ability to turn home appliances off and on by using the existing wiring in the house. Smart-house software helps to run appliances, access the Internet for weather, stock market, other information, all using voice commands.

 In my life the computer plays a very important role. It helps me find information and relax.

Though scientists have achieved so much, scientific minds are still working at some urgent problems. These are finding and using alternative sources of energy, energy saving and conservation, fighting fatal diseases like cancer and AIDS, designing and developing artificial body parts, making people's life longer, colonizing other planets.

New Words:

1. gradually - постепенно

2. convenient   - удобный

 3. afford - позволить себе (иметь средства)

4. list - список

5.  on-lookers - наблюдатели

 6. scientific achievements  - научные достижения  

7. store - хранить, накапливать

8. allow - давать возможность

9. through - посредством  

10. capable of doing sth - способен на что-либо

 11. accounting - подсчёт, калькуляция

12.  access to - доступ

13. enter - вход

14. urgent - злободневный, жгучий

15. colleague - коллега

16. software - программное обеспечение

17. home appliances - бытовые приборы

18. wiring - электропроводка

19. run appliances - управлять приборами

20. stock market - фондовая биржа

21. have achieved - достигли

22. alternative sources of energy - альтернативные источники энергии

23. fatal diseases - смертельные заболевания

24. cancer - рак


26. artificial - искусственный

27. colonize - заселять 

Topic # 11 The World of Shopping Is Really Enormous and Various, Isn't It? Will You Describe It in Detail?

Topic # 11 The World of Shopping Is Really Enormous and Various, Isn't It? Will You Describe It In Details? (Name All Types of Shops and Goods They Sell, Their Services and Advantages.)
    Well, shopping has become not just a necessary but also pleasant activity as the range of shops is really wide and various. We can find goods and services to meet our both basic and choice demands. I'd like to name shops and goods they sell. One of the most important shops is, of course, baker's shop or bakery where we can buy white and brown bread, rolls, biscuits, sweet pies and cheesecakes. Not less important is dairy shop where they sell butter, milk, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, and eggs. Ham, sausages, pork, beef, chicken are sold at the butcher's. At the fishmonger's they sell tinned fish, caviar, salmon, fish cakes, crab sticks, shrimps. I've got a sweet tooth, so I like to go to the sweet shop and buy chocolates, caramels, fruit-drops and marshmallows there. If you want to stay healthy and fit, you should go to the greengrocer's and buy vegetables and fruit, such as carrots, peas, tomatoes, apples, pears, plums, tangerines, onions, beets and turnips there. At the grocer's they sell packed and tinned food, such as oil, flour, vinegar, mustard, spaghetti, sugar and bouillon cubes. School life and studies can't go smoothly without stationery goods, such as paper clips, notepads, copy-books and glue, pens and pencils which you can buy at the stationer's.
     There are small corner shops, supermarkets, department stores and big shopping centres or shopping malls. A corner shop is usually on the corner of a street, this shop sells mainly food and household goods. A super market is a large shop which sells all kinds of food and household goods. You walk round the shop and take items off the shelf yourself and pay for them all together before you leave. A department store is a large shop which is divided into a lot of different sections and which sells many different kinds of goods. A shopping centre or a shopping mall is an area in a town where a lot shops have been built close together.
     There are many advantages of shopping centres. Firstly, they are very convenient due to their layout. Every shop is positioned with the user in mind, so that there is as little distance as possible to travel between each store. Secondly, there is a wider variety of  goods than at small shops. Besides, shopping centres house a collection of retail stores and restaurants, cinemas and entertainment areas for customers with children.
     As for me, I like buying food the most. When you come to the food shop you smell  fresh bread, different rolls and many other delicious things.
New Words:
1. basic and choice demands  - базовые и изысканные требования
2. household goods - хозяйственные товары
3. layout - планировка positioned - расположен
5. user - потребитель, покупатель
6. retail store - магазин розничной торговли
7. entertainment area - развлекательная зона
8. сustomer - клиент, потребитель, покупатель
9.  smell - ощущать запах
10. delicious - изысканный, деликатесный

вторник, 15 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 12 Isn't the World of Fashion Fascinating? Why Is It? What Professions Does It Include?

Topic # 12 Isn't the World of Fashion Fascinating? Why Is It? What Professions Does It Include? 

Well, the world of fashion is really fascinating. Fashion industry mixes practical sense and artistic vocation. It requires creativity, fastidiousness and pugnacity. At first sight, getting a job in this field seems like an exciting career as a fashion model or a fashion designer can become famous and well-paid if he or she is really successful. But to become successful in this field one needs to be persistent, hard-working and dedicated. One of the careers in this field is the job of a fashion designer. A fashion designer has to combine the qualities and qualifications of an artist and a manager. The main idea is to design clothes that will be loved and worn by regular customers. A fashion designer should have a good imagination and a good stroke of pen. Another popular job in the world of fashion is that of a fashion stylist. A fashion stylist does research and analyses  fashion trends in order to create new collections. A fashion stylist draws designs. Forms, tints, tissues and sketches have to be both original and keep the same designer house style. There is another job in the world of fashion. It is the job of a fashion journalist. His or her typical work includes writing articles about famous designers and fashion houses, models and the latest trends. He or she spends a lot of time conducting interviews and it is important that he or she has good contacts with people in the fashion industry, including photographers, designers and public relation specialists. A pattern maker is another job or profession in this field. A pattern maker must be able to convert the designer's ideas into a 3-dimensional shape. He is the link between design and production. He makes sample garments including the technical and practical requirements concerning its construction. One of the main roles in the industry of fashion is played by a public relations manager. He or she is the director of communications and is responsible for creating communications strategies and serves as a media contact for the organization.  

To become a fashion designer it is necessary to have both personal qualities and professional skills. One should be creative and diligent. Besides, he or she should have a good knowledge of product, a good general knowledge, a good fashion's history knowledge, have a good sense of fashion. Among the most famous fashion designers are Gianni Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, Vyacheslav Zaytsev, Valentin Yudashkin. 

New Words:

1. vocation - склоность, призвание

2.  fastidiousness - дотошность, разборчивость

3. pugnacity - дерзость, драчливость

4.  persistent - настойчивый

5. dedicated - преданный

6.  fashion designer - модельер 

7. a good stroke of pen - твёрдая рука 

8. fashion stylist - модный стилист 

9. pattern maker - модельер-конструктор 

10. convert - превратить

11. 3-dimensional shape  - трёхмерная форма 

12. sample garments - образец одежды  

13. public relations manager  - специалист по связям с общественностью 

14. communications - связи 

15. media contact - посредник между организацией и средствами массовой информации 

London Fashion Week

Vyacheslav Zaytsev

Valentin Yudashkin

воскресенье, 13 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 10 Can You Describe And Show Your Impression of Your Last Shopping Day?

Topic # 10 Can You Describe And Show Your Impression of Your Last Shopping Day? 

Well, one day my friend Jack  and I decided to go shopping. I took a large sum of money and Jack took his father's salary. Jack needed some new clothes badly.

There are a lot of shops, supermarkets and department stores in the centre of the city, so we decided to go through some of them.

The first shop on our way was a large supermarket. The choice of goods was very impressive. It seemed to us that on the counters and shelves there was everything one could want. We could see sausages of different kinds, fish, meat, poultry. At the bakery there was bread, rolls, biscuits. At the dairy department there was milk, cream, cheese, butter. Everything was nicely packed and when we came to the cashier our baskets were full.

Then we went to the department store which was right across the street. Jack and I are fond of computers and hi-fi equipment, so we couldn't go past our favourite department. There were a lot of various gadgets there. Jack bought a new MP3 -player and I bought a laptop. And then, at last, we found a men's clothing department. There were a lot of suits, trousers, shirts and many other things. Jack needed a suit because he was going to the theatre with his girl friend and her parents. A moment later, a shop assistant came up to us and asked what we were looking for . We said we were looking for a suit for Jack who was rather tall and slim. The shop assistant asked Jack's size and offered him a nice suit. But when Jack tried it on we saw the suit didn't fit him. It was a bit too big for him. So, we asked the shop assistant to bring us another suit of a smaller size. Some time later Jack looked like a real gentleman. The suit, which was of black colour, suited him perfectly. The shop assistant also showed Jack a wonderful tie and Jack agreed to buy it.

We had to go home by taxi because our bags were so huge that we could hardly lift them. We came home completely broke but happy. 

Topic # 9 The Modern World Is Unthinkable Without Money. What Makes Money Valuable? Bring Your Arguments.

Topic # 9 The Modern World Is Unthinkable Without Money. What Makes Money Valuable? Bring Your Arguments. 


Well, money is commonly used to measure the values of people's work and all the things in the world. Besides, it is used as the standard of future payments. Life can't go smoothly without money. But there were times when there was no money at all. Instead, man had the "barter"system. If a man wanted something he didn't have, he had to find someone who had it. Then he had to offer him something in exchange. But in time, certain things came to be used as money because everyone would take these things in exchange. People used shells, beads, cocoa beans, salt, grain, tobacco, skins, and cattle as money. Then coins were made to replace things. Coins are easy to store and to carry about. The earliest coins were used in China and Greece. They were first made of gold or silver. Later, people used coins made of cheaper metals. People also started to use paper money. The money itself has no real value but it is backed by the government and the banks.

And today, of course, we have bills and coins issued by the government, and everybody uses this money. There are four  main things that money does for people. First, it makes possible exchange and trade. Money makes it possible to exchange your work for something you want. Second, money is a "yardstick of value". Money is used to measure and compare the values of various things. Third, money is a "storehouse of value". This means you can sell something you have and get money to use it in future. Fourth, money is a "standard for future payments". You use money as a form in which you can  make later payments for the thing you have bought. 

среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 8 Pros and Cons of Wearing a School Uniform. Express Your Opinion.

Topic # 8

Pros and Cons of Wearing a School Uniform. Express Your Opinion. 

Well, there are different opinions on the problem of wearing or not a school uniform. Should it be compulsory for students to wear a school uniform? Those who are for this rule think that school uniform , first of all, organizes and disciplines pupils. They strongly believe that wearing other different clothes distracts pupils from their studies. Besides, there are children from low-income families who don't feel comfortable when they know they can't afford to wear fashionable clothes. Another strong argument for wearing a school uniform is that having one set of clothes allows us a lot of free time, you see, we don't have to spend countless hours looking for something to wear.

Of course, there are those who oppose wearing a school uniform. They think that a uniform prevents them from expressing themselves and showing their personality through clothing. Also, some children say that they don't feel comfortable in uniforms. For example, they don't like the look or the cut. As for our gymnasium, we have to wear clothes of an office style. The range of colours is restricted to white, light blue, grey, black, brown. Tops and shorts are forbidden. In conclusion, I'd like to express my own opinion about wearing a school uniform. I think that uniforms are important for displaying unity and give children a sense of loyalty to their school. I believe school uniforms introduce a feeling of belonging to one community. 

воскресенье, 6 апреля 2014 г.

Topic # 7 Are you proud of the school you study at? What subjects do you learn? What extra-curricular activities do you enjoy?

Topic # 7 Are you proud of the school you study in? What subjects do you learn? What extra-curricular activities do you take part in? 

Well, I am awfully proud of the school I study in. There are a number of reasons for that. First of all, our gymnasium is one of the best schools in our city and the region as well as it has nearly everything to provide the pupils with the best quality secondary education. Our classrooms are well-equipped. There are computers, video and audio materials allowing us to study productively and with willingness. Another reason is our teachers who are creative and highly qualified. Besides, our school has got a good library with plenty of student's books and fiction and reference books, magazines and other materials. In our school we learn a number of subjects which are various. They are Maths, Literature, History, Geography, Biology, the Russian Language, the English language, the French language and the German language, Chemistry, Physics, Social Studies, Computer skills or Information Technology, Handicrafts and Physical Education. Besides, we are taught Arts and Music. In addition to compulsory subjects which are on our time-table, we take part in various extra-curricular activities, such as Music group and Our School Parliament.

 Every year different contests and competitions, festivals and concerts are held. Such activities help the students to express their personality, to socialize and acquire some practical skills, such as the ability to perform, to speak publicly, to develop interaction and cooperation.

Personally I have joint our school parliament and attend the sports club. I take part in various after-classes activities, go on outings, sing and play the guitar.  

Topic # 6 Express your vision of an ideal school. What would you like to change in your school to make it an ideal one ?

Topic # 6

Express your vision of an ideal school. What would you like to change in your school to make it an ideal one? 

Well, I personally think an ideal school is , first of all, a comfortable and spacious building with all modern facilities, such as computer laboratories, a well-equipped stadium, a swimming pool and, of course, a good canteen with plenty of nice food.

Secondly, a perfect school is not just a modern building but also highly qualified and creative teachers, eager and willing pupils and friendly atmosphere that encourages students to study well.

Thirdly,  a perfect school day has a well-organized structure or time-table. In my opinion, pupils in an ideal school should wear a sort of a school uniform which disciplines them, allows them to concentrate on their studies. Besides, those who are from low-income families don't feel they are worse or less fashionably dressed than their peers from richer families.

Besides, a perfect school should provide high quality education allowing school leavers to enter any prestigious higher education institution - a university, an academy or a college. If I had an authority I would introduce some changes or make improvements in my school to make it an ideal one. For example, I would build a spacious swimming pool and open new drama, music and art societies. And , in addition, I would provide radio information and pleasant music playing through loudspeakers during every school day. Moreover, I would like our school furniture to be more comfortable.

As for our teachers, they are quite experienced and creative though I would take more young teachers who are more energetic and cheerful.