The English Club

понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.

Exam Topic # 5 : Compare the Educational System Abroad with the Russian One.

Topic # 5  The System of Education Is Quite Different in Different Countries. Compare the Educational System Abroad with the Russian One. 

Well, I'd like to compare educational systems in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the United States of America with that in the Russian Federation. Well, there are both common features (similarities) and differences in the systems of education in these three countries.
One of the common features is the so-called pre-school education which is given to children aged from 3 to 5. Children go to pre-schools or kindergartens or nursery schools and kindergartens in Great Britain, the USA and the Russian Federation as well. 
Elementary or primary education starts at the age of 6 in both Britain and the USA and in the Russian Federation as well. But in the UK this stage is called Infant School which is divided into the 1st year and the 2nd year, while in the USA they are called the first grade and the 2nd grade. In the Russian Federation elementary school is for grades 1 through 4 (children aged 6 through 9).
The second common feature or similarity is that education is compulsory for children from the age of 5-6 to  the age of 16-18 in all the three countries.
But there are differences. One of them is the subjects taught in British, American and Russian secondary schools. In Great Britain pupils choose from the numerous  subjects taught in their particular school. However, there are core subjects - English, mathematics, and science - and seven foundation subjects -technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language. While in the USA, compulsory subjects in school include: Science (biology, chemistry and physics), Mathematics, English, Social sciences, Physical education. Elective subjects include: Computers, Athletics, Career and Technical Education, Performing Arts/Visual Arts, Foreign languages and others. 
In Russia pupils of primary and middle secondary school don't choose their subjects. All the subjects are compulsory  from the 1st to the 9th forms or grades. Only in the 10th and 11th years of schooling pupils in Russia choose the subjects they plan to specialize in.
In Great Britain all pupils move to the next class automatically. In Russia pupils have to sit their written examinations in the Russian language and mathematics at the end of each academic year.
There are three types of state secondary schools in Britain. They are: 1) comprehensive schools; 2) grammar schools; 3) modern schools which don't prepare students for universities. But there are also public schools which are private schools. They are expensive.
Unlike in Britain, public schools in the USA are free local schools supported by public funds. They are state  schools. Nowadays in Russia, apart from state schools, there are a number of private schools, where education is not free of charge. The school I study at is a state comprehensive secondary school which is called "Gymnasium 21". 

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