The English Club

понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.

Exam Topic # 5 : Compare the Educational System Abroad with the Russian One.

Topic # 5  The System of Education Is Quite Different in Different Countries. Compare the Educational System Abroad with the Russian One. 

Well, I'd like to compare educational systems in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in the United States of America with that in the Russian Federation. Well, there are both common features (similarities) and differences in the systems of education in these three countries.
One of the common features is the so-called pre-school education which is given to children aged from 3 to 5. Children go to pre-schools or kindergartens or nursery schools and kindergartens in Great Britain, the USA and the Russian Federation as well. 
Elementary or primary education starts at the age of 6 in both Britain and the USA and in the Russian Federation as well. But in the UK this stage is called Infant School which is divided into the 1st year and the 2nd year, while in the USA they are called the first grade and the 2nd grade. In the Russian Federation elementary school is for grades 1 through 4 (children aged 6 through 9).
The second common feature or similarity is that education is compulsory for children from the age of 5-6 to  the age of 16-18 in all the three countries.
But there are differences. One of them is the subjects taught in British, American and Russian secondary schools. In Great Britain pupils choose from the numerous  subjects taught in their particular school. However, there are core subjects - English, mathematics, and science - and seven foundation subjects -technology, history, geography, music, art, physical education, and a modern foreign language. While in the USA, compulsory subjects in school include: Science (biology, chemistry and physics), Mathematics, English, Social sciences, Physical education. Elective subjects include: Computers, Athletics, Career and Technical Education, Performing Arts/Visual Arts, Foreign languages and others. 
In Russia pupils of primary and middle secondary school don't choose their subjects. All the subjects are compulsory  from the 1st to the 9th forms or grades. Only in the 10th and 11th years of schooling pupils in Russia choose the subjects they plan to specialize in.
In Great Britain all pupils move to the next class automatically. In Russia pupils have to sit their written examinations in the Russian language and mathematics at the end of each academic year.
There are three types of state secondary schools in Britain. They are: 1) comprehensive schools; 2) grammar schools; 3) modern schools which don't prepare students for universities. But there are also public schools which are private schools. They are expensive.
Unlike in Britain, public schools in the USA are free local schools supported by public funds. They are state  schools. Nowadays in Russia, apart from state schools, there are a number of private schools, where education is not free of charge. The school I study at is a state comprehensive secondary school which is called "Gymnasium 21". 

понедельник, 24 марта 2014 г.

Topic #4 Jobs Can Be Attractive And Not Attractive. What Qualities Make Them Such?

computer programmer

fashion models

Topic #4 Jobs Can Be Attractive And Not Attractive. What Qualities Make Them Such? 

Modern life is full of changes, it is really diverse and exciting. With changes in technologies, new jobs are appearing day by day. Some jobs didn't exist, say, some twenty years ago, while others have already gone due to the arrival of high technologies. The invention of the computer was a technological breakthrough which allowed people to change their working and lifestyle. The job of a typist, for example, that was necessary but very backbreaking and monotonous, has been completely forgotten. A secretary is required to have computer skills instead of typewriting skills. Still, I don't think the job of a secretary is really attractive as it is boring and not respected by others. Nowadays there is a number of prestigious jobs which are respected and well-paid. Among them are the job of a computer programmer and the job of a fashion model. I think a computer programmer can be popular and well-paid because computers have become the necessary part of people's life one can't do without a computer or some other smart gadget both at work and in their leisure hours. And when something is wrong with our gadget, we all need a computer programmer's help. The job of a fashion model is exciting, it attracts hundreds of young girls and men. Though it is not easy to keep to a diet to be in good shape, girls and young men try hard to be successful. Walking on a catwalk is hard but it really pays.  Among the most unattractive jobs are the job of a dustman or a cleaner, a garbage collector and a loader. All of these are unskilled and low-paid. I am sure those who work as dustmen or cleaners must regret being lazy and not studying hard in their young years.  However, they say, "It's not the job that matters but the way one does it". I hope the job I will choose will not just interest me but also be prestigious and well-paid. 


Topic #3 Different Professions Need Different Traits of Character. What Career Would You Like to Choose And Do You Have the Necessary Qualities?

Topic #3 Different Professions Need Different Traits of Character. What Career Would You Like to Choose And Do You Have the Necessary Qualities? 

Well, time will come when we'll face the necessity to choose our future and even lifetime job. But it's a well-known fact that not all jobs can be suitable for a person as well as not all people are good at everything. So, if one has to decide on his or her future career, they have to think of/about the special qualities required of this or that job. For example, to be a good doctor you not only have to be well-educated but also to be tolerant, patient and merciful.

And a perfect banker should be diligent, punctual and careful. While courage and physical strength are required of a police officer or a bodyguard, a fashion designer must be creative and have a good imagination. A salesperson needs to be polite, patient, persistent and flexible. 

I'd like to mention some jobs that are really backbreaking and monotonous. Among them are the job of a dustman or a cleaner, the job of a driver or a loader. I wouldn't work as one of these. But there is a career of my dream. It's the job of an architect. I'm sure this profession is really attractive and exciting. One should be interested in both arts and mathematics to be a successful architect. That's why he or she has to combine such qualities as creativity, diligence, punctuality and flexibility. Besides, they must have a good imagination. I think I possess all the necessary qualities required of an architect. So, I am sure my designs will be perfect and a number of new buildings with all required facilities will be built in our city in some years. I hope my architectural style will  be appreciated and loved by Kemerovites.

среда, 19 марта 2014 г.

Exam Topic # 3 Different Professions Need Different Traits of Character. What career would you like to choose and do you have the necessary qualities?

Topic # 3 

Different Professions Need Different Traits of Character. What Career Would You Like to Choose And Do You Have the Necessary Qualities?  

Dear 8th Formers! Make sure that you know the following traits of a person's character:

1. adaptability -  адаптируемость, приспособляемость

 2. confidence - уверенность, убеждённость

3. сooperation - сотрудничество, взаимодействие

4.  courage - бесстрашие, мужество, храбрость

5. creativity - творческий потенциал, изобретательность

6. diligence (industry) - прилежание, трудолюбие, усердие

7.  efficiency - деловитость, оперативность

8. flexibility - гибкость, уступчивость

9.  friendliness -  дружелюбие

10. generosity - великодушие, благородство

11. kindness - доброта

12.  loyalty - верность, преданность

13. patience - терпение

14.  persistence - настойчивость

 15. punctuality - пунктуальность, точность

16.  responsibility -  ответственность

17. sincerity - искренность

 18. tolerance  - терпимость

Which of them do you have?

Which of them are required of a teacher (a doctor, a banker, a fashion designer, an economist, an engineer, a firefighter, a salesperson, a manager, a police officer, a bodyguard, an architect, a computer programmer)?


Dear 8th Formers! Your Exam Topic # 2 : Chooosing a Career Is Not Easy, Is It? Who Can Influence Your Choice?

Your Exam Topic # 2 

Choosing A Career Is Not Easy, Is It? Who Can Influence Your Choice?

Well,  choosing a career is not always easy. As I personally think, one should consider a number of things when choosing their future career. Sometimes a person can try different jobs before becoming a real specialist in one particular field. You see, there is a difference between a job and a career. Basically, a job is any thing you do to earn your living, and it is not always the thing you've got a talent for or the work you have been trained for. As for a career, it is always something you like doing very much and something you have been trained for at a higher education institution. Besides, a career is something you hope to do for a long time. 

Choosing a career is a difficult task: one should make the right choice not to regret about the wrong step in their future life.The earlier you decide on what road to step, the more rewarding your future life and career will be. Of course, there are parents who can influence your choice greatly. They are more experienced and, as they often think, they know better what is good for their son or daughter. Very often young people follow in their father's or mother's footsteps and keep their family traditions. Some parents are more democratic and let the child make his or her own choice. Besides, some teenagers are influenced by their friends or other people's examples. There can be a famous person who one admires and wants to be like him or her. But very often it is our own gift (talent) that makes us choose our future career. 

To make it easier for the young people to choose, there is career counseling. You may do some tests to understand your real abilities and inclinations. I am sure it is better to decide on your future career as early as possible. One should determine what he or she may like to study or major in at school. One also has to consider the demand for a particular career in the labour market. If you choose a career where there are few job opportunities you may find it difficult to get a job. 

So, it's up to the person to decide, but one shouldn't forget that higher education is the main factor which gives him or her more chances to be a qualified specialist. 

The New Words:

1.  consider - рассматривать, обдумывать 

2. particular - определённый

3. earn your living - зарабатывать себе на жизнь

4.  regret about  - сожалеть о 

5. rewarding - стоящий 

6. career counseling -  профессиональное ориентирование 

7. abilities - способности 

8. inclinations - склонности 

9. determine - определить 

10. major in - специализироваться в 

11. demand for - востребованность, потребность в чём-либо

12. labour market -  рынок труда

 13. job opportunities  - возможности найти работу 

14. it's up to the person to decide  - это зависит от человека, что решить 

15. qualified specialist - квалифицированный специалист 

вторник, 18 марта 2014 г.

Topic # 1 Prove That the World of Professions Is Enormous and Various. What Do You Think Are the Most Important Jobs?

Dear 8th Formers! 

Start getting ready for your spring examinations! 

Here is your topic #1:

The World of Professions Is Enormous and Various. What Are the Most Important Jobs? 

   Well, it's a widely-known fact that the range of professions is really enormous and various.While one can choose to become a specialist in the sphere of trade and economy, another one will probably like working in health care or education. 
   I am sure your future choice of a profession or a job depends both on your natural talents and abilities and the skills you have acquired (practiced enough to be successful) during your school and further education period. 
   If you like working with hands you may become a carpenter or an auto mechanic. Those who are eager to help people recover from serious diseases can become doctors, such as a physician or a therapist, a surgeon or even a medical officer. Of course, not only your skills and talents but also your personal qualities are important when choosing the right job. For example, to become a perfect teacher one needs to be patient and tolerant, be able to love children and treat his or her students properly, that is a good teacher will always find the right method or technique to explain to their pupils a new rule and encourage them to study well. 
It's a well-known fact that jobs can be attractive and not attractive. I think such jobs as the job of a fashion designer or a travel agent are really attractive as they are creative, interesting and prestigious. One has the opportunity to travel abroad and meet different people and even become famous while working in these spheres. At the same time, there are a lot of unattractive  jobs, such as the job of a carpenter or a bus driver, a dustman or a nurse.These jobs are backbreaking, monotonous and low-paid. 
It's not easy to say what jobs are the most important nowadays. They say not without reason, "That is not the job that makes the person bright but the people themselves, their personal attitude and desire to be good at their work". 
I am quite sure that the most prestigious and well-paid jobs are the job of an architect, the job of a computer programmer, the job of a banker, the profession of an economist, an accountant, a journalist and a diplomat. They require special training, accuracy and courage. One can face dangerous situations and should be able to make the right decision to find the way out. There are not so popular and prestigious jobs, but the jobs that are really important, they are the job of a doctor or a teacher. Everyone needs these people. Our life is impossible without good teachers and doctors. Nowadays the Russian government and the president himself do a lot to improve the situation an to raise the image of these two important jobs in our country. The teachers who manage to teach their pupils well and the doctors who treat their patients well are better paid.
I will always love and respect my primary school teacher. Her name is ..... . She taught me some very important things, such as to read and write, count, do sums and think properly about the world around us. 

The New Words:
1.  acquire skills  - получить  навыки 
2. further education  - дальнейшее образование 
3. are eager to  - желают 
4.  physician - терапевт 
5. medical officer  - военный врач 
6. patient - терпеливый 
7. tolerant - терпимый 
8. encourage  - вдохновлять, приободрять 
9. attitude - отношение 
10. desire  - желание