The English Club

среда, 13 ноября 2013 г.

Talk about sports

Dear 11th formers! Learn how to talk about sports. 

Use proper words and word combinations! 

"Do", "go" or "play"?

Use "play" with any competitive game that you can play, "go" with activities that can be done alone, and "do" with groups of related activities.

Decide between "do", "go" or "play". Sometimes the verb needs to be conjugated or put in the infinitive or gerund form. 

1. He used to ______ jogging every day when he was at university.

2. I love  _____ a good game of chess from time to time.

3.She _______ gymnastics for over five years now.

4. This summer we ______ windsurfing every day on our vacation.

5.  He's quite the athlete. He ______basketball, baseball and hockey, too.

6. My wife ______ horse riding twice a week.

7. Why don't we _______ a set of tennis?

8. Some people think that _______ aerobics four times a week is the best possible way of keeping fit.

9. His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to rent a sailboard and ____ sailing between the islands of the Tuscan archipelago.

track -and -field 





weight lifting

ice hockey


10. He _____ athletics for his local track club.

chess board

And now look at the answers in the rubric "Sports"! 


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