The English Club

понедельник, 10 января 2022 г.

How to avoid overusing "good", "interesting", "popular"

 Dear students!

It's high time we started practising English! 

Try to avoid using the adjectives "good", "interesting", "popular" when describing new things, films, books, ideas, places and activities. 

Use the following adjectives instead of "good":

1. nice , 2. pretty , 3. fine , 4. great , 5. wonderful. 6. cool, 7. admirable, 8. remarkable,  9. excellent, 10. splendid, 11. delightful, 12. marvelous, 13. superior, 14. favourable, 15. capable, 16. hospitable, 17. polite, 18. positive, 19. pleasing, 20. awesome, 21. worthy, 22. impressive. 

Use the following adjectives instead of "interesting"

1. attractive, 2. enjoyable, 3. exciting, 4. terrific, 5. incredible, 6. breath-taking, 7. unreal, 8. thought-provoking, 9. amazing, 10. stunning, 11. striking, 12. engaging, 13. intriguing, 14. compelling, 15. absorbing, 16. gripping, 17. entertaining, 18. thrilling, 19.fascinating, 20. charming.

Use the following adjectives instead of "popular": 

 1. well-liked, 2. favoured, 3. admired, 4. accepted, 5. approved, 6. widespread, 7. marketable, 8. running, 9. in demand, 10. hot, 11. cool, 12. desired, 13. wanted, 14. trendy, 15. common, 16. famed, 17. mass, 18. distinguished, 19.well-known, 20.public.

Use the following phrases instead of the verb "like"

1. be fond of +Noun/ -ing form, 2. be passionate about +Noun, 3. be into +Noun, 4. enjoy doing something, 5. be attracted by something, 6. be keen on, 7. be good at, 8. prefer, 9. admire, 10. appreciate, 11. adore, 12. cherish. 

Task I:

 Describe 5 things, 5 events, 5 places, 5 books or films that you bought, saw, visited, read or took part in. Use various adjectives. Avoid using the adjectives "good", "interesting", "popular" and the verb "like".