The English Club

вторник, 29 августа 2017 г.

Русские столицы

Сообщение от 30 августа 2017 года 

Task I: Read the text and say what city in Russia was once its capital. 

The Russian Capitals 

      The capital of Russia is Moscow. Moscow is an old city but it is also a young city. Although it is 870 years old, you can see a lot of new, modern houses in it. The city is situated on seven hills. On one of them is the Kremlin with its beautiful red walls and famous towers. 
     The Kremlin is certainly the heart of Moscow. Everything here speaks of important facts in the life of our country. 
    Chronicals first mentioned Moscow in 1147. It was a little settlement at the top of a hill looking over the Moskva River, a settlement founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. 
    Moscow grew and very soon it became, as old chronicals say, "a city, superior to all other cities of Russia". It was then that the white stone walls and towers of the Kremlin appeared, and Moscow, which was in fact the Kremlin, became a strong fortress. 
    In the 16th century Moscow was one of the largest cities in Europe. An English traveller wrote that Moscow was larger than London in those days. In 1712 the Russian king, Tsar Peter the Great moved the Russian capital to St Petersburg, a new city founded in 1703 on the banks of the Neva River. The new capital in the north-west of Russia grew and became very important. But Moscow was important too. Moscow was famous for its churches, museums and cultural centres. 
    On March 10, 1918, a special train left St Petersburg for Moscow. The government of the country moved to the old Russian town and Moscow again became the capital of Russia. 

St Basil's Cathedral 

Red Square 

Palace Square in St Petersburg 

St Isaac's Cathedral in St Petersburg 

The monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow 

Task II: Answer the questions.

1. How old is Moscow? 

2. Where is Moscow situated? 

3. Who founded Moscow? When? 

4. When was Moscow larger than London? Who wrote about that? 

5. Who moved the capital of Russia to a new city? 

6. What city became the Russian capital in the 18th century? 

Task III: Speak about Moscow and St Petersburg. Use the questions as a plan.

1. How old is the city?

2. Who founded it? 

3. When was this? 

4. What are the famous places of interest there? 

5. What do you know about these places?  

 ! Остальные тексты и задания размещены на странице Russia, My Homeland

понедельник, 28 августа 2017 г.

Russia,My Homeland

Сообщение от 29 августа 2017 года: 

Уважаемые семиклассники!  Создана страница 

Russia, My Homeland. 

На ней вы найдете все материалы (тексты и задания) 

по теме "Россия - моя родина".