The English Club

четверг, 23 января 2014 г.

Shopping Day

Hello, dear 8th Formers! 

Learn to speak about shops and your shopping day!

How I Went Shopping 

    One day my friend Jack and I decided to go shopping. I took a large sum of money and Jack took his father's salary. Jack needed some new clothes badly. There are a lot of shops, supermarkets and department stores in the centre of the city, so we decided to go through some of them.

The first shop on our way was a large supermarket. The choice of goods was very impressive. It seemed to us that on the counters and shelves there was everything one could want. We could see sausages of different kinds, fish, meat, poultry. At the bakery there was bread, rolls, biscuits. At the dairy department there was milk, cream, cheese, butter. Everything was nicely packed and when we came to the cashier our baskets were full.

Then we went to the department store which was right across the street. Jack and I are fond of computers and hi-fi equipment, so we couldn't go past our favourite department. There were a lot of various smart gadgets there. Jack bought a new MP 3 - player and I bought a laptop. And then, at last, we found the men's clothing department. There were a lot of suits, trousers, shirts and many other things. Jack needed a suit because he was going to the theatre with his girl friend and her parents. A moment later, a shop assistant came up to us and asked what we were looking for. We said we were looking for a suit for Jack who was rather tall and slim. The shop assistant asked Jack's size and offered him a nice suit. But when jack tried it on we saw the suit didn't fit him. It was a bit too big for him. So, we asked the shop assistant to bring us another suit of a smaller size. Some time later Jack looked like a real gentleman. The suit, which was of black colour, suited him perfectly. The shop assistant also showed Jack a wonderful tie and Jack agreed to buy it.

We had to go home by taxi because our bags were so huge that we could hardly lift them. We came home completely broke but happy.

The new words:

1. salary - зарплата, жалованье

2. needed badly  - сильно был нужен

3. impressive - впечатляющий

4. counter - прилавок  

 5. shelf (shelves) - полка (полки)

6.  poultry - мясо птицы

7. rolls - булочки

8. cashier -  кассир 







fitting room or changing room 





wallet or purse 

a shelf - shelves 



пятница, 3 января 2014 г.

Don't forget that your level is Upper-Intermediate!

Dear 11th formers! Happy New Year to you and all your dearest and nearest! 

When writing an essay or speaking don't forget that your grammar level should be upper-intermediate

Show that you know how to use not only Present Simple and Past Simple,

but also Present Perfect, Modal Verbs, Passive Voice

(Present Simple Passive, Present Perfect Passive, Present Continuous Passive, Past Simple Passive, Past perfect Passive, Past Continuous Passive,

Future Simple Passive, Future Perfect Passive,

for example:  

1. The road is known to have been built some years ago.

2. They say, the information has been introduced by the president.),

Conditionals,  etc.!  

Грамматика уровня Upper-Intermediate из Кодификатора ЕГЭ

 3.3.   Грамматическая сторона речи 

3.3.1 Употреблять в речи различные коммуникативные типы предложений: утвердительные, вопросительные(общий, специальный. альтернативный, разделительный вопросы в Present, Future, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Continuous), отрицательные, побудительные.(в утвердительной и отрицательной форме).

3.3.2 Употреблять в речи распространённые и нераспространённые простые предложения , в том числе с несколькими обстоятельствами, следующими в определённом порядке (We moved to a new house last year.)

3.3.3 Употреблять в речи предложения с начальным It 

(It's cold. It's five o'clock. It's interesting. It's winter.)

3.3.4  Употреблять в речи предложения с начальным  There + to be

( There are a lot of trees in the park . There has been a tremendous increase in prices recently.)

 3.3.5 Употреблять в речи сложносочинённые предложения  с сочинительными союзами and, but, or.

3.3.6 Употреблять в речи сложноподчинённые предложения с с союзами и союзными словами what, when, why, which, that, who, if, because, that's why, than, so, for, since, during, so that, unless.

3.3.7  Употреблять в речи условные предложения реального (Conditional I - 

If I see Jim, I'll invite him to our school party.) и нереального (Conditional II -  If I were you, I would start learning French.) характера.

3.3.8 Употреблять в речи предложения с конструкцией I wish  (I wish I had my own room.) 

3.3.9  Употреблять в речи предложения с конструкцией  so/such

(I was so busy that I forgot to phone my parents.)

3.3.10 Употреблять в речи эмфатические конструкции типа

It's him who... It's time you did something.

3.3.11 Употреблять в речи предложения с конструкциями; not; either...or; neither...nor.

3.3.12  Употреблять в речи конструкции с глаголами на -ing:

to love/hate doing sth; Stop talking.

3.3.13 употреблять в речи конструкции

It takes do sth.   to look/feel/be happy.

3.3.14 Использовать косвенную речь в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях в настоящем и прошедшем времени.